Not only is the advertising annoying, I can't find my way around the damn site anymore! I'm totally lost on how to use these new profiles. Just one of many things youtube has been doing lately to piss me off (deleting all my AMVs was the biggest one, though... >.<)
Crabclaw has the most unbelievably stupid design ever. And not only does it look ridiculous, it's really weak!
I want to play as Axel because A) he's my favorite and he's dead sexy, B) FIRE POWERS!!! Hellz yeah, I would gladly give up the rest of my magic for some unlimited fire, and C) He's good for both long and short range attacks, because he can either slash with or throw his weapons.
There are no words for how much I hate Xaldin’s boss fight. Whoever thought that green glowy attack where he goes invincible and impossible to dodge needs to be smacked upside the head. The first time I played it (on Beginner mode, mind you! I played it several more times on Standard and Proud, but the first time I didn't want things to be too hard for myself. Ha!), he took me TWO MONTHS to beat. I almost killed myself >.<
I want the Hunchback of Notre Dame in KH so bad! You could have Quasimodo and his insane amount of strength in your party, Frollo's lust for Esmeralda could turn him into a Heartless, and you could fight a boss battle on top of Notre Dame as the city burns-- how cool would that be?
Don't worry about it-- can't be online all the time ^__^
Hi! How are you?
Mine is the Bond of Flame, just because it looks cool and it's given to you by Axel. :P I know it's weak, but come on, I'm an Axel fangirl! <3
Did you accidentally unequip Scan? I swear I've done that every mission so far...
axelsoraroxasfan103: Of course! *glomp* I’ll be friends with anybody ^__^ Especially someone who loves Axel and Demyx as much as I do!
I LOVE to sing! I've been taking voice lessons for five years now, and I've gotten pretty damn good if I do say so myself. I have a three octave range can sing either alto or mezzo-soprano parts, depending on what's needed for the show I'm doing (musical theatre is my passion in life!).
Here I am! Warning: It's not pretty Spoiler
I just finished rereading them (and I'm seventeen :P), and, even if they were kind of simple, I still really enjoyed them! They made me laugh a lot, even when they weren't meant to. I especially loved Esme Squalor because her entire personality is so unbelievably ridiculous XD
Who was good? All right, let's pull up my list: Xigbar: Killed off a crapload of Heartless that were attacking Sora right before Sora jumps out and attacks him. Yeah, he was kind of confusing Sora with his words, but I don't see any real harm in that, and it's definitely not worth killing him over. Saix: Warned Sora about Axel trying to turn him into a Heartless. Yes, he was close to Xemnas, but the plan to use Sora wasn't his fault. He's one of my biggest ones, because of that "Where is my heart?" line- all he wanted was to become whole again. Demyx: Everything I already said. I see Demyx as the one who just fell into a bad crowd, and does what they ask of him because he really doesn't have a choice. That "silence, traitor," thing was him trying to be what he was expected to be and to get some courage to follow his orders even though he had none. He had no desire whatsoever to hurt Sora, and Sora's treatment of him was absolutely uncalled for (even the "Silence, traitor," thing came after Sora and Donald started ganging up on him for basically nothing more than saying hi) Even the ones who weren't model citizens didn't deserve to be slaughtered like that. All they wanted was their hearts back, plain and simple. They don't release Heartless into the worlds (or, at least, we never get any real proof that they do besides Sora explaining things he doesn't really get). There are plenty already there in Days, right? So who's to say that the Organization doesn't just use what's already there to build up Kingdom Hearts? Granted, Xaldin's plot with the Beast or Luxord's with the medallions were a bit extreme, but think of who they're following here.
Rissy: Oh, I'm definitely sticking around-- I don't know how I managed to forget about my account here! *fails*
Absolutely not. Yeah, Xemnas is a psychopath, and sure, he could totally have found a better way of finishing Kingdom Hearts than manipulating Sora, but that does NOT mean they all had to die. Look at Demyx— first of all, the Olympus Stone is, in effect, A COIN. Second of all, he very clearly didn’t want to fight Sora, and was perfectly friendly when he popped up in Hollow Bastion. Sora comes up and starts bullying him, and then bludgeons him to death just because he’s wearing a black cloak. I know they all did some bad things, but so do plenty of other people Sora meets— Riku joins up with the Disney villains to help destroy the worlds, and Sora forgave him! Then look at the description of a Nobody— they are created when any person with a strong heart, be they evil or good, becomes a Heartless, and that’s a direct game quote. Some of the Organzation was good, and some evil, and Sora had no reason to just automatically assume they were all trying to destroy everything. All they wanted was to be whole again— is that really so wrong? I have plenty more to that explanation, but I’ll spare you. No, in my eyes, Sora was not justified.
This is totally humiliating, but my favorite is Don Bluth's the Pebble and the Penguin. Yeah, it's pretty flat and it's got about the worst dialogue ever, but I think it's a lot of fun, and and all the characters are adorable. I ADORE the music (especially Don't Make Me Laugh), and, most of all, Tim Curry, God of Awesome, is in it!
Number72TheMonkey: Sorry! I was just trying to differentiate between Axel and Demyx— I changed my skin so I could see what you meant, then I changed the colors to make them a little less obnoxious. Let me know if you think it worked (I do)! axel-chanviii: I know, I went all emo while writing it, which is probably kind of sad, but whatever. I tried to get some of Axel’s snarkiness into his part, which is where that line came from (and I say it a lot, but we’ll skip over that….)—glad you liked it! I’m probably not going to do Xigbar, because I heard BBS is going to explain all of Ansem’s apprentices’ pasts, but I am trying to figure out a good story for Saix, Luxord, Marlxuia, and Larxene, so stay tuned anyway! Monument_X: I like Demyx’s better, too, so don’t worry about it. There’s just something about Twilight Town that just doesn’t make for an interesting story :/ 358/2 Days kind of messed with Demyx’s character, which annoyed me, but I’m sticking with this story because I like it and because he’s still barely in the game (which also annoys me). I’m definitely going to keep writing, but I probably won’t do Zexion—like I said above, I don’t want to mess with stuff that’s going to be explained fully in BBS with Xehanort and all that. Sorry!
Mine is the Bond of Flame-- yeah, the range and strength kind of suck, but, c'mon, I'm an Axel fangirl! I've got to go with the Axel-themed Keyblade!
In terms of looks, I'd go with Axel's chakrams for obvious reasons *directs attention to username, avvie, and sig*, but in terms of actual battle use, it's Xaldin all the way. I mean, they can come together in that giant dragon thing, swirl around him, reach ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE EFFING BRIDGE.... They're the reason I hate that fight so much, because those lances are friggin STRONG.