Bring Me to Life ~ Evanescense Call Me When You're Sober ~ Evanescense Savin' Me ~ Nickelback Only One ~ Yellowcard... That's what I've listened to in the past couple moments...
Okies people. :3 Heh. Friends ARE good...
Mmmhm. This is what I want to see... Pocahontas The Pride Lands (the Lion King 2. Or 1 1/2. I don't care. >.> I just wanna see Sora as a smexy kitty again.) 101 Dalmatians (I LOVE THAT MOVIE. -squees-) The Chronicles of Narnia (With Peter or Aslan as your partner. 8D That'd be so awesome. Especially during the huge battle and Sora could scream "FOR NARNIAAAAAAA!" and then when he faces the White Witch get all matrix like in the movie. XDDDD) The Incredibles (Dash~! <3) Toy Story (BUZZ LIGHTYEAR. 'NUFF SAID. XD) and I would like to see the Hercules world again, because I had this weird craving for good Disney songs one day, and Hercules had some of my favorites so I watched it, and only then did I realize that KH really jipped that world. They've left out all the Gods spare Hades, they've left out the fcat that Hercules IS a god but has turned mortal, they left out the creepy little Fate sisters and their one eyeball, and they left out -le gaspe!- THE MUSES! The world I don't care to see again would be Atlantica. o_o Sure, Sora without a shirt on it pretty awesome (<33333) but Donald... singing... and the phrase "finny fun"... oh... -shudders-
Aw, you guys think I'm pretty! ^_^ That made my day. I actually don't like that picture all that much. I'll try and find a better one... But I think Guxas and Mish are prettier than me. xD;
I like the scene where Sora met up with Kairi agin, because I'm an avid fan of them... And then that scene was totally ruined by Sora acting really... just... gay. (RIIIIIIIKU! RIKU'S HERE! 8'DDDDDDDDD) But it made me laugh really hard, I had to go watch the rest of the scene online because I wasn't paying attention when I played the game, I was laughing so much.
I see myself... being a kind member... still? XD; I bet I'll be posting better AMVs, and maybe even some good graphics...
xDDD I agree... I'm a VERY rabid Sora/Kairi fan... And I have my views on both points... either... 1.) Disney is crap and thinks 15 year olds shouldn't kiss. 2.) They're saving the best for last. With my view on one, I could have a whole page rant on this. My best friend, and neighbor, whom played KH2 with me when it came out, was as devastated as I was when Sora and Kairi didn't snog each other senseless at the end. She was like "If Disney keeps this up, when Sora and Kairi get married, it'll be like... you may now HUG the bride 8DDDD". I understand if Disney wants to keep it PG... seeing as my brother, who is 10, and my friends play this (although it's not like their convos about KH are actually PG, most of the time they talk about the Selphie-bridge glitch thingo in KH1 x.X), but, I mean, come on. Sora and Kairi only get any action in fanfic. And now, for number two. They'd better be saving the best for last. >D Although I really hope you won't have to save Kairi AGAIN in KH3... Really. She could have easily walked between those bars on her jail cell in KH2. x.X And the whole damsel in distress thing gets really cliche... So maybe... she saves... him? 8D; I dunno. The same friend who I mentioned in my little number one rant thingo, was watching the KH2 credits with meand when Sora found the drawing she said "Wouldn't it be GREAT if Kairi walked in, just then?!", and that gave me an idea. They cut that itty bitty scene off. What if, in KH3, that hadn't happened YET, but is a scene FROM it... -squees like the fangirl she is- Well, that's just my views on it. This post is long enough. >.>;
Yeah. It really wouldn't be so much of the Keyblade's story anymore if you could play as Donald or Goofy, but then that brings up an interesting point... What if there were times whe you could play as Riku, Kairi, or even Roxas again? :3 Like in, say, Sonic Adventure 2: Battle... all the good guys are fighting for the same thing, you just swap to random parts of the story and play as them... Or Sora, Riku and Kairi could be a trio and you could take your pick on which one to play... 'Cause they all had Keyblades... But then what would happen to Donald and Goofy...? I mean... KH is Disney... I'm putting down my own theories. I'll be quiet now. ^^;
I posted a link to a little oneshot fanifc series of mine in a thread just a little while ago... :3 Normally, I don't write stuff that short. I actually have a KH-goes-CSI series written in a couple notebooks, but I'm just too lazy to type it all up at the present time...
Well, here's a picture of me. Yes, I got bored, and fooled around with it in PSP9. xDDD So, no, my camera doesn't take piccus like that... You know you all want me. ;D -brick'd-
Yeah. On I have a series of KH oneshots and drabbles that I have written. ^^; Some are good... some are just... out there, I don't know what I was thinking. There's currently 11 oneshots in my collection. :3 So read them if you want...
Me too! :3 I love writing.
Aw, thanks everyone! :3 I feel so welcomed, hehe.
My friends and I have a Halloween party every year. :3 I'm still debating on what to be. My one friend says I should get a straightjacket and go in that, and then my other friend says I should be an un-dead fairy princess... xD
Hi guys, I'm new here. :3; Name's Shannon, I'll go by Shanny-Boo too. Uhm. I don't know what else to say... xD Uh... Sora is like... really hot? -brick'd- Yeah. That's all my intelligent mind can think of right now... ._.;
Thanks. :3 The third one took the longest... xD;
All Kaiora (with some Namixas) AMVs. :3 Listed in the order they were made. I'm fairly new at this so... yeah.