I would have to say... Far Away ~ Nickleback 1000 Words Orchestra Version... from the FFX-2 soundtrack... or Bless the Broken Road ~ Rascal Flatts I don't know why, but especially the last one, they make me a little teary.
You like Axel. And Reno. Which possibly suggests that you like Quinton Flynn? XDDD; I dunno. -brick'd-
Oh yes. And then, of course, there is Barbie, who is just influencing the little girls that they need to be anorexic to look amazing. -_-
=3 Congrats! I can't wait until I can drive... I'll probably end up wrecking right after I get my permit or something... xD;
It's interesting, the topic of their last names. xD I write fanfiction, and read a lot of it too, so I've seen a lot of different last names for them, but the most common one that I find that people use for Sora (I'm guilty of using it too, heh,) is Hikari. However, this then makes his name translate to Sky Light (which, for some reason, I find highly hysterical), which is just kinda... weird? Kairi's last name should sound... innocent. Riku's... either blatantly normal or very dark. ^^; Very different, I know... And Mickey's last name... -drumroll- GUINEA PIG! 8D ...Shoot, his last name is already Mouse, isn't it? >.>
Yeah. She doesn't remember much from before she came to Destiny Islands. Also, like I said, Ansem might not be her father. Possibly uncle... Although it is true that they may not be related at all.
I was looking back on reading this, and suddenly, what you're saying reminds me of a dictatorship. xD; He wants good, he drives for it, but goes overboard and uses extremes to drive out the evil. For some reason that reminded me of a dictatorship. And I think a crime scene investigation book I read, if I could remember which one... Just wanted to say that. ^_^;
They should bring like... FF summons. 83; -is a total FFX fangirl along with KH- The little fairy YRP could be like "Oh lookit! A funky sphere! We have no use for it. So, since it's crap, we'll give it to you, Sora! 8DDD" and it turns out to be like, Valefor, Ifrit, Ixion, Bahamut... etc...
♥♪LyricalLuff♪♥, that's an awesome idea! 8D -just imagines Bambi getting squished by Sin- Yes. There should be Sin. Sin is amazing. :3
Personally, I think Ansem is too old to be her father. o.o; Grandfather, perhaps? Or maybe great uncle? (He could be her grandmother's brother...) Although Ansem COULD be her father, you can't deny that. My one friend has a little sister who is currently three, and by the time the little sister is 13 her mom will be like... late fifties, early sixties? Although I do believe that there is more to Kairi's past than meets the eye, and I really hope it'll be explained. (How the heck did she get from Radiant Garden/Hollow Bastion to Destiny Islands in the first place?! x.x)
Yeah. Sora's too luffable to become evil. n.n -squishes her Sora plushie- Donald should turn evil. >.> So we have an excuse to beat the crap out of him.
Hm. You've proved a point with Yunalesca- what if Hades got a FF character that was an antagonist this time? Heh. It'd be great to see Hades with Yunalesca, Seymour, or Kadaj, now that I think about it.
Hm, if it isn't urgent, or a distress call, then I have a feeling it's a story about the past. It'd be awesome though it was something funny. Teehee... xD;
Despite Sephiroth being lurvable I don't want him for an optional boss again. Kadaj would make an okay optional boss... but you know what would be great?! SIN. 8D SIN SIN SIN. SORA COULD FIGHT SIN, THE MASSIVE GIANT BLOB OF DOOM WHO IS REALLY JECHT AND... yeah. xDDD -shuts up on that subject- Yeah, FFX is my favorite, so I'd like to see Tidus grown up and smexier than he was in KH1 (not that he wasn't cute in KH1, I wanted to pinch his cheeks so bad xDDD), YRP NOT as fairies (that was gay), and I'd like to see Lulu because she totally pwns Donald with her magic. And Auron needs his glasses. D: And for some other FF stuffs... Zidane and Garnet (aka Dagger, I guess), would be cool. And Rinoa. Because Squall can't be with Yuffie. (Yuffie should be with Riku. 8DDD -shot'd-) and I'd like to see Reno and Rude. Barret too, along with Denzel and Marlene. And Aerith should get skewered like she does in FFVII. x.X Her voice annoys me.
Personally I think it looks a bit like something that goes to a car. >.>; But I'd love it if Axel would return. My friend has this theory that Reno is Axel's Other...
Nah. Disney couldn't kill Goofy. 'Cause Goofy is like, hawt. xD -brick'd- No, actually, I was a bit shocked at first. I was like "God! Nuuu! TT.TT Why couldn't it have been Donald!?" and then I figured, since it was Disney, Goofy would probably be up and running in about five minutes from then. So I wasn't exactly worried. And if Nomura HAD to kill Goofy, like people have said, it should be a big scene. Although Donald could die from a rock to his head, for all I care.
Hm. I think it could possibly be Vincent. All the characters Hades has had with him are kind of dark and mysterious... It would be funny if say, a really happy character, like Zidane, was in league with him. :3
I have too many funny moments to remember, most are inside jokes. But here are a couple with my friends that just stick out the most... --- [My friends Edie, Julie and I are watching Spiderman] -MJ kisses Spiderman, who is upside down- Edie: Look! She's eating his face. He'll have no lips. They'll be gone... He will be... LIPLESS SPIDERMAN! Julie and Me: -stare- ... -long silence- Julie and Me: BWAHHAHAHAHA! XDDDDDDDDDDDDD --- [During lunch at school] Laura: Food. I love food. I could live off food. Me: I could live off food too. 8D --- [In chatroom, with my friends Izzy and Andy...] Me: God, Izzy, you're such a whore. Izzy: I know. I am. Andy: ... ... ... >.> <.< >.> How much do you charge? --- [During a writing class, my teacher left the room, so naturally, my friend Sara and I talk, then the teacher comes back and we go back to writing our short stories] Me: Our conversation on Harry Potter, Liam Aiken, and what cell phone Cloud has got me so off track, I lost my train of thought in my story. So now I'm just ending it where it is. Sara: -looks at my paper- Then you're ending it in the middle of a sentence... Me: I know. Talk about cliffhanger ending. You don't even know the last couple words. --- [...random sleepover at my friend's house 8D] Julia: I like the moose... -pets my other friend's hippo plushie- Me: It's a hippo, you ******. --- [random conversation] Edie's cousin: How do you know the light in the refridgerator really goes off? Edie's mom: I guess it's just one of those things you have to believe in... --- [During choir] Veronica: 8D And this is the awesome Shanny. -points at me- Me: -grins stupidly and nods- Uh-huh. 8DDD --- [During writing competiton, with my friend Sara, who is the same Sara from the writing class...] -There's a DJ and music for entertainment, and the Chicken Dance is on- Me: I don't wanna be a chicken, I don't wanna be a duck, so I shake my butt... Sara: How does shaking your butt resolve the fact that you don't want to be any kind of poultry? --- Yeaaaaah... those are some moments... I'll like... remember the funnier ones later. xD; Probably in Study Hall. Where I will suddenly chuckle. And then get yelled at for laughing...
Sora-- Down On My Head ~ Yellowcard Sweet Sacrifice ~ Evanescense All That I'm Living For ~ Evanescense Only One ~ Yellowcard Bless the Broken Road ~ Rascal Flatts Life is a Highway ~ Rascal Flatts Riku-- Who I Am Hates Who I've Been ~ Relient K Whisper ~ Evanescense ...I can't think of any good ones for Riku. TT.TT Kairi-- Everytime We Touch ~ Cascada Hopelessly Devoted to You ~ Olivia Newton-John Chemicals React ~ Aly & AJ Savin' Me ~ Nickelback I Caught Fire ~ The Used Roxas-- (The Cute Song fits him... but someone's already said that. XDDD) I'm Just a Kid ~ Simple Plan Breaking the Habit ~ Linkin Park What Hurts the Most ~ Rascal Flatts Scars ~ Papa Roach Namine-- Emotional ~ Diana DeGarmo Love Will Find a Way ~ I forget who sings this... but Kiara and Kovu sing this in The Lion King 2... Accidentally In Love ~ Counting Crows Holding Out for a Hero ~ Frou Frou Reflection ~ Christina Aguilera ...I'll probably think of more later. xD
My name is Shannon. Funnily enough, it means "Wise One". XD Bet you didn't see that coming, now, did you? My name is Irish... There's really nothing THAT special to it. It can also be spelt Shannen with an 'e' instead of an 'o'... Shannon is a name with an opportunity for a lot of 'interesting' nicknames... Shan-Shan, Shanny-Boo, and Shanny-Pants (don't ask...) are just a couple of the ones my friends have bestowed upon me. O.o;