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  1. Shanny-Boo

    Uh. Yeah. >.>

    I wrote it.

    So you should read it.

    'Cause I wrote it.

    (Vegitarians might not like the ending... xDDD)
    Thread by: Shanny-Boo, Nov 23, 2006, 4 replies, in forum: Archives
  2. Shanny-Boo
    I used to be a Band Geek. I played flute. Wasn't very good, so I quit.

    However, I do hope to join the Jazz Band at the high school I'm going to as a pianist, which I am good at. xD;

    At my middle school, there are the Band Geeks, Orchestra Weenies, and Choir Nerds. I'm a Choir Nerd, through and through.
    Post by: Shanny-Boo, Nov 13, 2006 in forum: Discussion
  3. Shanny-Boo
    Hm. Not bad.

    You could've varied the clips a bit more, instead of just Deep Dive and Another Side, Another Story. And whenever I use DD or ASAS, I cut out the part with the words and numbers whenever possible. ^^;

    Overall, the actions hit the beats pretty well. :3
    Post by: Shanny-Boo, Nov 12, 2006 in forum: Production Studio
  4. Shanny-Boo

    Uhm. Yeah. xD;

    Spawned from a random convo with my friends from about when we were playing KH2 when it first came out... long story... x3;;
    Thread by: Shanny-Boo, Nov 12, 2006, 3 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  5. Shanny-Boo
    Oooh! May I claim the Tidus one? xD Tidus is luff...

    Username: Shanny-Boo
    Quote: "I know it sounds selfish, but this is my story!"
    Post by: Shanny-Boo, Nov 8, 2006 in forum: Art Shop
  6. Shanny-Boo
    So do I, Roxas. I think genetic manipulation is the future.

    You can't decide personality, but it'd be neat to choose how smart they would be, or what they looked like, and such.

    Although as stated in the earlier thread, messing with an embryo's genetic code would most likely result in mutation...
    Post by: Shanny-Boo, Nov 8, 2006 in forum: Discussion
  7. Shanny-Boo
    Hm, perhaps, perhaps not.

    Look at it this way- humans aren't going to live forever. We're going to progress as a species in maybe a thousand to a million years from now.

    So scientists could eaither be destroying destiny- or speeding it up.

    Then again it brings across the point of why the hell would parents do this to their kids in the first place. I do think that is unecessarily cruel, although if it needs to be done, it needs to be done. But I don't see it as something that is utterly NEEDED. If scientists want to mess with genetics, they can. But if I were a scientist wanting to do this, I'd mess with the genes of lab rats. NOT humans.

    Then that brings up the whole point of test-tube babies and I'd rather not get into that heated argument.

    Another thing- natural selection can suddenly change drastically. Sometimes it takes long periods of time, sometimes it takes short. Who knows? By the time scientists do figure out how to alter genes without a risk of death, humans may already have night sight or an increase in hearing.
    Post by: Shanny-Boo, Nov 7, 2006 in forum: Discussion
  8. Shanny-Boo
    Hm. For one who aspires to be a forensic scientist, and likes the subject of DNA, this is a very interesting subject indeed.

    There is a book series entitled "Maximum Ride" where there are six kids who are 2% avian and can fly. Genetic experimenting, much? True, it can be cruel, but I think stuff can be learned from this.

    Tinkering with the genetic code could lead to a lot of problems. I bet their test subjects (the thought makes me cringe) will have a lot of mutations, and not good ones they want, like night vision or something. DNA is made up of chemicals. There is sugar, which is attactched to phosphate, which then has one of four bases on it: adenine, guanine, thymine, or cytosine.

    Adenine can only be paired with thymine to form a bar, and guanine can only be paired with cytosine to form a bar. Anything else results into a genetic mutation.

    This also brings up another interesting point, and that is that there can only be so many ways you can pair up the four bases in a strand of DNA. And how people could possibly 'tinker' with the genetic code based on what I have said above, I'm not entirely sure. Then again, I'm only 13 and have only had some genetics from my science class last year. I haven't even taken biology yet.

    Interesting subject though, if I do say so...

    -realizes she sounds kind of nerdish- ... -twiddles thumbs and walks off-
    Post by: Shanny-Boo, Nov 7, 2006 in forum: Discussion
  9. Shanny-Boo
    There are three battles I enjoy. :3

    Final Axel vs. Roxas fight- you get to double wield the WHOLE TIME. XD

    1000 Heartless Battle- I like the music right before it. >.>

    Final Xemnas battle- You get to play as Riku, and I like the last part where you have to tap x and triangle really fast to not get hit by the bullets. ^^
    Post by: Shanny-Boo, Nov 5, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. Shanny-Boo
    Magnet is very useful when wanting to level up (PRIDE ROCK TRICK PLZ 8D) and Reflect I've never actually... used.

    I used Aero A LOT in KH...
    Post by: Shanny-Boo, Nov 4, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. Shanny-Boo
    All us Sora fangirls would just DIE if Sora wasn't in the game. =P

    So if it HAD to be a prequel... It could be like a story the main characters are reading or something and flash back to the present for short periods of time.
    Post by: Shanny-Boo, Nov 4, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. Shanny-Boo
    XDDD Thanks. It does fit. My friend was "OMGGGZ SHANNON LISTEN TO THIS SONG 8DDD" and I went "...okay o.o" and I did and I thought "Who does this sound like... ...Roxas?! Oh God! THIS IS A JESSE MCCARTNEY SONG?! I LIKE A JESSE MCCARTNEY SONG?! AAAAAAAH! -dies-"

    ...and that's kinda how I chose the song... >.>
    Post by: Shanny-Boo, Nov 4, 2006 in forum: Production Studio
  13. Shanny-Boo
    Heh. I hate it when shippers fight but, I'm gonna say my favorite pairings.

    Sora/Kairi because they are so CUUUUUTE~ together. Yeah. xDDDD

    Roxas/Namine... because they can both go off and be emo together. <3

    and... yes, I have a crack!pairing...

    Yuffie/Riku. o.o I don't know why but I am addicted to fanfiction surrounding this pairing... Their kids would be hyper grumpy annoying killing machines...
    Post by: Shanny-Boo, Nov 4, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Shanny-Boo
    My friends are all Roxas fangirls (I'm the lone Sora fangirl, oh well, means he's all mine, but anyway), and they begged me to make a Roxas tribute.

    Then I came across a song I can see Roxas singing into a hairbrush... you'll see what it is if you watch... xD (No, it isn't beautiful Soul. That'd make my brain bleed.)

    So... here's the linkie if you want to watch it.

    Uhm. Yeah. ^^;
    Thread by: Shanny-Boo, Nov 4, 2006, 2 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  15. Shanny-Boo
    =3 Welcome! Glad you finally joined. -gives a cookie-
    Post by: Shanny-Boo, Nov 4, 2006 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  16. Shanny-Boo
    =D Yaaaaaay! That's great! -does a dance-
    Post by: Shanny-Boo, Nov 2, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  17. Shanny-Boo
    FFX... because it has TIDUS! 8D And the fact that the plot is so good, and some scenes are just so awesome and stuff and... yeah.

    I also like FFX-2, but not as much as FFX.

    I like FFVII as well.
    Post by: Shanny-Boo, Oct 29, 2006 in forum: Gaming
  18. Shanny-Boo
    I say...

    Vincent (even though Tidus is a 'lil cutie pie...)
    Post by: Shanny-Boo, Oct 29, 2006 in forum: Gaming
  19. Shanny-Boo
    Uh. Yeah. xD As the title says...

    The first one was just a test run to see if I could get my FFX clips to work. The second one is to my favorite song eveeeer.

    They are my 4th and 5th AMVs... The 4th one is a Tidus/Yuna video, and the 5th is a Tidus/Yuna, Sora/Kairi, and slight Roxas/Namine vid. ^_^
    Thread by: Shanny-Boo, Oct 28, 2006, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  20. Shanny-Boo
    o_O Maybe he does...

    -in mind's eye, she sees Axel sitting around playing with Barbies-

    O.O ... Uhm.

    Let's not go there.
    Post by: Shanny-Boo, Oct 26, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone