I highly doubt it's Sora. Doesn't mean that the three knights aren't connected in a way, however. It's most likely that they are.
I really don't think the Chaser person is related to Sora by blood. >.> It'd be too Star Wars-ish. Just imagine... Chaser person dude: Sora... I am.. your father! :0 Sora: :000000 !!! omgz. PUL-LEAZE. I'd rather stick a fork in my arm than watch a cutscene like that. I personally think they're from an alternate-universe ish place, OR they're the previous owners of the Keyblades now wielded.
They probably sold all the stuff and turned it into a bowling alley.
Gosh, I hope it's the PS3, because I actually have one. XDDD -doesn't want to go out and buy a Wii- PS3 isn't selling because its launch titles absolutely SUCK. The only game I own for it is Dark Kingdoms, and the plot for it is... neh. By the time KH3 actually comes out, prices will have waaaay dropped down on the PS3 anyway.
Yeah, because my family will then make me go watch Heroes on the tiny TV instead of the HD one, which they will watch 24 on. >.> I'm a Hiro fangirl. 8DDDDD And an obsessive Hiro/Charlie shipper even though it's kind of shot down. Save the waitress, save the waffles! And I agree about Peter 'sploding because of the hero overload. -nods- That's a good theory. And I REALLY want to know more about the Haitian dude... xDDD
eBay. O.o; -doesn't know why she thinks of that-
Hee. x3 Thank you! The third one will be less musical-ish, due to the fact that it circles around finding Roxas after he runs off in the 2nd one...
I got bored. Sue me. Wait, don't sue me. o_o That'd be bad. And I have no money anyways... xD http://youtube.com/watch?v=FbqDVB2jG7A - Kingdom Hearts: The Musical! ...and... http://youtube.com/watch?v=l7HiuQExrTI - Kingdom Hearts: The Musical! ...TWO!
Cogsworth, Beauty and the Beast. :3 Dead men do not buy dog food! (Neh... one of my favorites. Has awesome music.)
I think of Runescape. o.o I've never played it, but my friend says it's an RPG that he likes to scare the n00bs on... (And I've read that fanfic! =DDD Laredo Tornado's fics are AMAZING.)
The little orphan Annie. xD Toooooomorrow, toooooooomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow...
I will also be mad if they cut that. x.x My friends and I act out that scene all the time. 8DDDD I'M BEING STRANGLED BY A BRAIN! -brick'd-
Shanny-Boo, my nickname, that, yes, I do allow people to call me in public, first came about in a huge party where we were all high off sugar. We decided to then watch a movie and my friend was like "I WANNA SIT NEXT TO SHANNY-BOO!" and that's how it... started... Among Shanny-Boo, I have the nicknames Shanny-Pants, and Shan-Shan, but Shanny-Boo is the first one to actually leave the realm of inside jokes and be used by other peole.
Ah, yes. I would suggest not stuffing your fist in your mouth at home. At a hospital would be best, for when you get it stuck, you can get help. =D
-hands Rufus pixie stick- There's more where that came from. -gestures to SoKai Hideout of DOOM- Personally, people can like the couples they want. I just like SoKai because it's so sweet. nwn Just watching them gives me cavities. But that's my opinion. And we all know, deep down, everyone loves Sora/Kairi. >.> <.< >.> Right? ... Back me up, guys. Eh... -stops rambling and tapes mouth shut-
Ohmygawd, I am the huuuuuugest HP nut there is. I've seen that, on YT and in theaters. >D Harry looks bad... D: It's like he went to boot camp or somethin' and they shaved his head. Ron, I prefer with the shorter hair. Then there's a pic of the Weasley twins on Mugglenet and oh... THEY GOT THEIR HAIR CUT TOO. ;.; -sobs uncontrollably- But anyways, on the trailer. It looks really good, I can't wait for it to come out, for Luna is my favorite since she's a total nut. The only thing I think I'll despise about this movie is the Harry/Cho parts- that pairing can go die. It makes my brain bleed. Other than that, it looks promising. =D
Oh, tsk tsk. You're acting as if Sora/Kairi is a BAD thing. xDDD You know you wanna join teh Kaiora shippers. >D We've got pocky and pixie stix.
Maaaaybe. >.> I always liked duck... <.<