-sighs- At least my friend takes Japanese. I'm going to have to drag her over to my house and have her translate the scenes that weren't originally in KH2. That's only if I manage to get FM off eBay or something though...
Aerith sounded like she was stoned. Selphie's voice bothered me in the first game and it did in the second. It's not that the VAing is bad... I just hate her voice.
Mine's a location all the Sora fangirls have. xP
...It'd better be on PS3. That's the only reason why I wanted one, that and FFXIII. ...and on that page... O.O it says... game info -points and squeals happily- it says THE RATING IS T! I CAN HEAR THE HALLELUJAH CHORUS! THANK YOU GOD! THANK YOU HOJO! 8D ...That is, if it's true. Which I hope it is. >.>
My name is Djhajsdhfjkdshf dksaakfhs adkjhf. (: No, it's Shannon, but everyone's probably figured that out already.
It should be rated T. Most of us (I think) are at least teens, right? Disney I think has a bit too much control over it. -_- Really, editing out a bunch of stuff from PotC?! Honestly! I was babysitting some kids the other day and they wanted to watch PotC, and it wasn't their first time watching it. Their age? 8! For goodness sake, they think if we see a musket in the game we're going to be emoitionally scarred for life! I could rant all day about this but I won't. And I bet it's going to be about some sort of war. xP Watch the secret ending? The words "Keyblade War" are clearly stated in there!
-is determined not to get a game over- I shall pwn this game... >.> -gets out Algebra 1 textbook and crawls over to the corner to read silently-
Hoo hah! I have started the first step in this... game then! xD I just finished my High School scheduling... I'm in all the Honors classes a Freshman can possibly take, Latin, Art for one semester, Speech & Debate for the next, Chorus, American History, and a study hall... ...I'm playing on Hard Mode, aren't I? D:
Hahaha, almost all the Sora x Kairi pictures on DA are currently used in a Kaiora shrine in my room... xDDD I've seen that one. Personally, that one isn't my favorite... This one is. http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/41945430/ Don't ask me why. IT'S JUST PRETTY OKAY?! XDDD
If Sora has to continue battling all the crap that's out in the worlds, I, an obsessive Sora x Kairi fan, can't see them tying the knot, they'd only be lovers. But if Mickey gets off his butt and actually goes around to beat up stuff rather than be all mysterious, and Sora gets a break for a while, of course it'd happen! xP Because we all know EVERYONE is a Sora x Kairi fan. >.> Yes, even yaoi fans are... deep down... waaaaaaaaaaay deep down...
Hahahaha, I have someone I'd like to be with, but I think they'd rather shoot themself than go on a date with me. xD Oh well.
Disney's just made a load of crap lately. -loads up machine gun- -bursts studio door down- Whee fiiiiiire! -shoots people- I HATEHATEHATE High School Musical. It was the corniest thing ever... it wasn't even that much of a musical. My friend and I argue all the time over the true high school musical- she likes HSM and I love Grease. I think we'll all pick Grease. >.>
Well, Tidus I think was in Traverse Town. ...And who'd want to find Selphie anyway?! >.> I don't think he's a jerk. xP I'd worry for my best friends more than someone I get along with.
I'd die without my computer... but if it was never there in the first place, I wouldn't be complaining. Not all technology is a BAD thing... They're improving technology everyday to help catch criminals and whatnot.
-is slap'd- But I wanna Cheeto... DDD: Just a little one? Pwease?
I just got accepted into all of the high school Honors classes I applied for. n.n
I like Cheetos. -eats- Mmmm. Cheesy. =9
Ordinary World ~ Katharine McPhee Just got her CD... some of these I think I shall do an AMV for. :3
Zach: I snapped my G-String... Me: O_O Zach: Oh my guitar, Shannon. Sara: Aahahahahaha Zach snapped his G-String. XDDDDDD -mass e-mails- Zach: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO --------------------------------------- Sara: I hate how everyone thinks Kadaj is gay! Me: You have to live with it. I like Sora x Kairi but that doesn't mean I run around screaming for all yaoi and yuri shippers to go burn in hell. Sara: No, but you don't get it! Sora at least has a legitimate boy/girl pairing! For Kadaj it's his brother, brother, and mom! --------------------------------------- Kim: God, I hate the song Fergaliscious. If I had a song called Kimaliscious, I'd be in jail on death row. Me: ...So I should just give up on trying to get Shannyliscious recorded? Kim: ...Good god... --------------------------------------- Me: According to the Mayans, we're all gonna die in 2012. Jessie: Aw, no! I'll never live to be thirty and flirty! Alex: x.X We'll be right out of high school... Manny: I can see it now, Shannon takes on step into Harvard... and BAM! XD Maria: It's not funny! Okay, so, what we have to do is go on Google and find out how to hotwire one of those Apollo spacecrafts. Then we'll fly to Mars and melt the ice caps there. We could colonize it and watch Earth blow up from there! Ellie: ...What's really sad is that you're actually dead serious... --------------------------------------- Izzy: I am going to cosplay as Tifa next year. Zach: You're going to need like... four tissue boxes. Two for each. That's if you're like, average though. Shannon needs like... three for each. Me: -slaps-
Some of the best inside jokes came from Health class... Ah, I remember now... The teacher had fire paper and they represented a boy and a girl. Then she lit them up and they went "POOF!" and she was all ">O THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU GET LOST IN THE FLAMES OF PASSION OKAY KIDDOS?!" ...Yeah... Our school uses weird metaphors... Last year it was cake. O.o "Baking a cake" is building the relationship and sex is the icing on top. Then there was that video... Personally, it cracks me up. Most girls are like "-_-" when a guy in the class goes "LOLZ SEX. 8D" but I think it's hysterical. Also... Yeah, some people debate over the age on this... but 5th graders are NOT innocent. Trust me. My brother is insanely naive, though, and asked me what a whore was. So, yeah, they need to know sooner or later.