Yes, at least Terra doesn't miss enemies and approaches quickly. I don't know if was an emulation problem. Maybe it wasn't, but yours works better than JPCSP
Very good! It works perfectly and I don't have to set anything. Plus with target of enemies Terra hits better Thank you very much!
Final Fantasy (the first ten)
Generally I listen soundtracks of movies or videogames. I like all musics made with an orchestra and no with computer. Hans Zimmer and Brian Tyler mostly, otherwise hard rock/metal
Yeah I think it's the only thing to do. First let's see if there are updates of emulator, then I'll try to fix with setting Thanks everyone! Edit: just another thing. Could be a problem with targeting? With PSP which button is to aim enemies? Because I can't find it with emulator and maybe I didn't setted that key with joypad
Ah I didn't know that. I'll do then. Edit: ok I've choose Ven. It's definitely an emulation problem because it lag a lot and he miss white spheres like Terra with the unversed. I can't remember if Terra missed that white spheres too, but he probably did. I've start KH Birth By Sleep a few months ago
But to begin another character's story I must press New Game, right? Or can I switch character while I'm playing with Terra?
I must restart the game choosing Ven? I'll try to find an other plugin for emulator or change settings.
Thank you! You're right. Since I joined I never posted here until some weaks ago.
Sometimes he hit, but is very hard. Not like on KH1 or 2 anyway. For example: I have an unversed in front of Terra, right in front of me, I try to attack and he fails. Sometimes he can hit but once in a hundred attaks.
Ahahaha got it I'm playing with emulator JPCSP with Terra. Now I'm at Olympus Coliseum but I've problems here because I have to complete Ade's mission, defeating enemies at coliseum but I don't know if is emulator the problem, or the game itself. Because when I try to hit an unversed (nesciens in italian vesion...I don't know why they changed their name...) Terra fail attaks. I posted here to understand if is a problem of the game or the emulator Thanks for all! If I've a problem I'll definitely ask!
Well well...I noticed I forgot to introduce myself! Sorry! I'm italian, 20 and I'm studying electronic engeneering. I grew up with KH. I played to KH1, 2, Chain of Memories and now I wanted terminate Birth By Sleep but I don't know when I can. If I write nonsense sentences, just tell me! I'm learning english with internet and tv because at school I never wanted to study english xD while now I'm bound. I don't know what else say...I'll see you around here!
I'm playing to Birth By Sleep with emulator for psp (JPCSP). I chose to play with Terra. Is it normal that everytime I try to attack enemies, Terra hit no one? He fails every attacks! Yesterday I tried to complete Ade's mission at olympus coliseum but I'm not able to complete it because Terra doesn't want to hit . Is it a problem of emulator? Or is it the same on PSP?
Yes you're right! Thanks! Mmm...This one 11C41CB4 0000???? for Mushroom I? Or the other for Mushroom III? I can't find anything else
Great! Those one works for me while the other no. Could you make codes to use forms as default? With this 0032F054 0000000? Sora doesn't stay transformed. When I enter in another place he returns normal... I'm also looking for a cheat for complete all Mushroom mission because I've already completed in another save data.
Probably you have my same problem. Different game ID and not all cheats work
I did, but doesn't work. Items cheats work correctly, but forms cheats no.
I've tried new settiing but nothing change...I've try to use final form's code with infinity form and infinity drive. When I enter in a world Sora returrn normal, but in menu I can see Sora in final form. Bah I'm unlucky xD Other code, like all abilities, items, works... Edit: Sorry but I read now "game ID 0001". Where can I check which is mine? Perhaps this code didn't work with me.
What is it? Where I found that code?