the first one you have isn't really good.My Opinion.But The second................Did you really made that? Thats an Awesome sig.[DOUBLEPOST=1356394616][/DOUBLEPOST]2 hours to Christmas here.. Merry Christmas guys!
awesome but i tried to register but he doesn't let me @__@
Wtf you do to your Sig show a different pic everytime i refresh the page?
even my naruto cards was better than that.Btw,Why Naruto's Hair is RED?
LOL Konami makes a Black Ball to make a card then fred have no creativity? Really,The card made itself to fred.He just thought,"I Need a Card". then his navegator opened with the link to this.
Fred's customs should be legal even without jaden ever seeing it 'o'
LOL brook and fred are so smart Or maybe i'm too dumb..? Oh well. Dat Kepler-22b. i only found this link in english because my firefox only give me BR links.But search on Google to find more information.
no problem,i used to be a serious christian
not talking about you,i'm talking about ppl on internet that loves to say "Hey you ***** ur going to hell by this fak u,bye".
lol to me was.Actually on face a lot of people laugh at this.Maybe they don't take jokes too serious.
talking 'bout memes ik some people think this is "blasphemy",but i just can't stop laughing.
he was just joking xd
day 21 frieza would come to the earth.Goku would fight him,probably on the space.[DOUBLEPOST=1356107051][/DOUBLEPOST] that will probably happen on someday next year.[DOUBLEPOST=1356107146][/DOUBLEPOST]are you going to do **** on earth? No,I'm goku.
looks like goku saved the earth again. Btw,you all keep raising your hands to the sky! \o/ goku is probably fighting frieza who came to earth now.
awesome,but you need more fred in it.
i'm mastering tha inzekttorrrsssssss havn't lost one yet with them i won even against brook btw this is what happens when i draw drag + haunted