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  1. Rafael Yuki
    cool history bro.
    He was using a new deck.
    He won like a 5-6 times.

    >Got a good Hand
    >Says is going to win
    >Opp Draws Bad
    >I'm the best[DOUBLEPOST=1356858502][/DOUBLEPOST]love how people get mad against fred's power
    Post by: Rafael Yuki, Dec 30, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  2. Rafael Yuki
    but i have him and he is really slow
    Mozzila is a lot more faster,atleast to me
    Post by: Rafael Yuki, Dec 30, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  3. Rafael Yuki
    of course you have to hold can you be agressive using that type of deck?
    also,fred needed the fusion spell.You can't come here and say "If i want to win i'll win against fred."

    And only firefox works for me..Google and IE are **** compared to mozzila :(
    Post by: Rafael Yuki, Dec 30, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  4. Rafael Yuki
    Fak Dn.I can't Even duel on rated in peace..was about to otk guy
    flash palyer troll crashes

    Post by: Rafael Yuki, Dec 30, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  5. Rafael Yuki
    Cool Bro
    but what about the screenshot
    did you see it?
    -.-[DOUBLEPOST=1356838269][/DOUBLEPOST]Also,OMFG,flash player keeps crashing every time i enter on dn -.-
    Post by: Rafael Yuki, Dec 29, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  6. Rafael Yuki
    did you see my screenshot? =([DOUBLEPOST=1356826270][/DOUBLEPOST]My characther will be named Rafael Yuki (Bye bye creativity)
    He will use Inzektors and Chaos Dragons.
    So,star and terra will be my boyfriends? I mean,my brothers?
    Post by: Rafael Yuki, Dec 29, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  7. Rafael Yuki
    So,brook will be like a final boss,and we have to save the world by beating him in a chieldren's card game?
    that would be awesome.
    brook could also have shadow duelists,mini-bosses,to help him,and after we beat them,we go to the finals to save tha world.
    oh well,it would be interesting this way,atleast to me @__@
    Post by: Rafael Yuki, Dec 29, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  8. Rafael Yuki
    I will only win join this if fred joins this tourney too.
    Post by: Rafael Yuki, Dec 28, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  9. Rafael Yuki
    ^This.Even with that gay field i won.Lost game 1 btw,but i know i lot because its my fauth.I did let him active veiler on my masked hero after he destroyed his spells/traps and take damage @___@.I would won.but doesn't matter.
    I'm a facking pro.I know you all are mad
    i'm 100% someone here will say the game didn't end,but okay,i know his hand,he would do anything.
    Post by: Rafael Yuki, Dec 28, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  10. Rafael Yuki
    Back on my days,people only had fusions on their extra deck ò_ó
    Post by: Rafael Yuki, Dec 28, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  11. Rafael Yuki
    so,ramdom question here...Do you guys plan to stay on arena,Or better,play yugioh after you become like 30+ years old? I Do.I'm totally going to play yugioh on ycs and random tournaments when i get older.And even if have 80 years,i'll still will be playing,that would be so pro..

    dat bad english
    Post by: Rafael Yuki, Dec 28, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  12. Rafael Yuki
    Nice.Maybe the meme i got is wrong by saying that card is bad,But atleast i did make you guys talk bout ygo again 'o'

    Oh well.No one is going to duel lyrics? I Accept Then -__-
    But lyric,sorry if i don't replay fast,i have a lot of things to do,but i'll try to keep on.
    You make the terms
    Post by: Rafael Yuki, Dec 28, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  13. Rafael Yuki
    i remember someoone HERE doing this....
    Post by: Rafael Yuki, Dec 28, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  14. Rafael Yuki
    i dun remember me beating him on that time....Also,Did you watched Jaden vs Bastion,When jay sued kuriboh to win? that was a faking awesome duel.When i was watching,i was like,"Jaden Is going to lose? that's impossible. then i started laughing after he did that.[DOUBLEPOST=1356578795][/DOUBLEPOST]for you guys that didn't played tag force,here's the duel.
    IIRC,Its the finals of the school to decide who will fight against the north school i think.

    that was a aweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesome duel.
    Post by: Rafael Yuki, Dec 26, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  15. Rafael Yuki
    water deck? you mean the first tag force one? XD
    i was playing that,then i always lost to jay,and i thought,"Omg,if i had Jaden's deck i'd win all games!"
    Then i start buying jaden packs.Then i mastered heroes,became one of the only br players using heroes on dn/foruns.then i challenged you,lost,started using meta.Then i understood meta was ****,and you need to train the duelist,then after dat,the deck.

    Cool,now i'm a bankrupt duelist using a old deck and otk'ing noobs on pro.

    Post by: Rafael Yuki, Dec 26, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  16. Rafael Yuki
    I'll Do Dat '-'
    If i did win like a baws against him using a really bad chaos build,i can win using Heroes.
    Also,Heroes was my First deck.People who say heroes are bad needs to die
    Post by: Rafael Yuki, Dec 26, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  17. Rafael Yuki
    i can't ever start my combo -.-
    6 otk in a row on this dn's bitc hesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss <3[DOUBLEPOST=1356431695][/DOUBLEPOST]
    lmfao,i think i have made inzektors broken again.This build i made For fun is working like 100% better than a standard zektor build that won the last ycs...............
    Post by: Rafael Yuki, Dec 25, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  18. Rafael Yuki
    i don't know the word "Booze",so i assumed Boobs Lol
    What would my life be without fred? :)[DOUBLEPOST=1356415788][/DOUBLEPOST][​IMG]
    idk whhy i keep posting this things here,you guys doesn't ever find this funny -.-[DOUBLEPOST=1356415958][/DOUBLEPOST]Google told me what's Booze.

    Post by: Rafael Yuki, Dec 25, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  19. Rafael Yuki
    Lol that's what i did know,my english is bad.@___@
    awesome img.Bardock For ever
    Post by: Rafael Yuki, Dec 25, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  20. Rafael Yuki
    does someone not weird i can give some boobs around here?[DOUBLEPOST=1356409510][/DOUBLEPOST]o_O you got boobs jay?
    Post by: Rafael Yuki, Dec 24, 2012 in forum: The Playground