DAT awesome cosplay o.o Hornet for evar[DOUBLEPOST=1357731859][/DOUBLEPOST] hey i have a Chaos Dragon Deck Feat. Blue-Eyes.Last time i dueled brook with it,it ended like 2-2 or 3-2 to me.(Vs Scraps)If you want the deck.....
and BAM i'm famous on facebook again 'o' dat 128 likes,38 shares. <3
the first imgs shows the Dn Trolls Neodasus : I'm the Skilliest then ! time and yansei are trolling him I got 62 likes and 2 shares on this image on facebook and this got 183 likes and 15 shares on facebook finally people are giving a **** about my memes u_u
about the chrome things.Firefox is the best.Really.I have both,and to chrome,he is a shi t compared to Firefox Chrome: 3 Firefox : 9
wtf is happening,and what is all this bleach imgs?? .__.
i got my guitar.She is more beautiful than you guys 'o' this is why i'm offline this days. Just saying,ik no one cares.
Omfg you guys do you guys really have/understand SARCASM?[DOUBLEPOST=1357349045][/DOUBLEPOST]
DP: Opponent activates Threatening Roar SP M1: I control a face-up Fossil Dyna... I Monster Reborn my Thunder King. Activate Duality; reveal ROTA, MST, and Solemn... take ROTA, then activate it, adding 2 Pahunder to hand. Normal Pahunder, then Mahunder, then Pahunder... sync 12 for Shock Master, then call Monster effects. BP: Thunder King attacks into a Sangan, but Shock Master stops Monster effects? Nope! Sangan's effect is mandatory! Opponent searches Gorz. Shock Master attacks. Opponent drops Gorz... nope, Shock Master, you can't EP: i chain card destruction,draw all pieces of blue-eyes and gg.
yeah,I Made That on Paint i made that on paint,not photshop -.-
No.No And no.
Jun Appears from nothing and Say I Challenge You.Let's Duel.Now.
Spoiler @___@
Me? Ok,You're Right.Ray,I'll duel you after i finish this guy. Let's Duel!
Ok,Its time to duel.Let's see what happens. *Rafael opens his duel disk and put his deck in it.*
off: was expecting to someone point that...Hmm.Ok,Thanks,I'll Edit.
It doesn't matter if we die or we go to another place...Something Happens... So.Rienzel Died because itachi beat him? RAY,I CHALLENGE YOU. Well,If he's near here,he will hear me.
Lol,that would be awesome.
off: Nah,just lets keep talking on the rp,because duel i can't...My mother hates ygo (long history),Also,people today are off.I'll be off next hours. also,brook's rp is so pro that a lot of guests are viewing. Hey guests,if you play ygo,what about join us?[DOUBLEPOST=1356979910][/DOUBLEPOST]