can someone help me? i'm trying to register on a damn site,but on the processof registration,it says: If i know exactly what Highest means,its number 69 right? then i put 69 in it,and it says then i put a number higher than 69,it says then i facking put a number less than 69 and it says this: wtf
is a dragon ball fun,but never died. Nubs.
I Got Forever Banned From dn by using Trent on rated and saying he could not be removed from the field because he's immortal @_@ Also,Duel if you want,Don't duel if you don't want. Ygo is for Fun. I don't know why i'm talking this again. All Calls i did until today,on my life,Adms and me was right,and my opponent wrong.Maybe sometimes you're wrong..But i think some people cheat on the test to be adm,so what you said can happen. Slaughtermatic said he only said that he would never lose to them on that time,because on that time heroes was bad,now they are "viable".Btw,he asked why i would care for that,and he start becoming mad.Then i just Said : Bro,you went full mad,never go full mad. Then he just said lol and the conversation ended o.O
we could get random cards,but not broken ones. Oh Well,forget it.its just a idea,and as i tought,you guys would just..AHh @_@
we should make a rp where we are transformed in random cards,like on GX where cards are real.Then we made cards about the card we are Ex,I Got transformed in Neos,then i make a neo-spacian deck..
I think making yugioh custom cards are more fun than duelign with them.
sorry but i can't rply the way i want to dis.I don't know why.But,if i edit this later,i'm going to say its ok and never give-up,your my friend and all that stuff.I hope you understand.I have so many things to do..epic is coming back and i have to edit the blog,the page on face,the members,my deck,the tourney.and etc. lov ya jay <3 ( no homo bruh)
wtf it's really clear the one everyone hates here is me 'o'
Yeah LOL
Spoiler Ok,fak satan,fak jesus,fak god,fak everything.Who the hell cares...If they exist,they are just laughing at us.(like ever) So,Lets stop this.Fred Said to Stop,And He's right. STUPH,STUPH EVERYTHING Lets talk about this AWESOME COSPLAY AHUEHEUAHEAUHEAUHEAUHEAUHEAUHEAUEHa Naruto + Swag = This EDIT: i got this in a brasil blog. It Says: Black Naruto. Get all the bitchs,the sexy bitches
i'm mad too on what i get...But i'm not that type of guy.Or i'm,or i just don't accept it.[DOUBLEPOST=1357962821][/DOUBLEPOST] lol that confused me. But i'm still saying only the truth.
I'm not an atheist either.I don't Know if they exist or not,so i believe and i don't believe.I'm trying to find witch way i'm going to go.Its Really Hard. and Bro,If God is the justice,why he let you born like a loser? You say that you can't play games or you are bad at anything.Why god didn't let you be Good in anything.You do know its his fault right? Also you do know god is Awesome,that he will send you to the hell if you do anything wrong? You saying bad Words = Hell.You Thinking about bad things,Or EVEN SUICIDE that i know you already thought about That,= HELL. and as long i know,Satanist are normal people,who do normal things,they don't kill or rape People,They are just normal people.some Satanic churchs say satan will give powers to you in hell,or he will not rape ou in the hell,Etc. And Atheist? i think is kinda hyprocrit a CRISTIAN Saying That.Because if you're cristian,you don't believe in Egyptian Gods,Or Any god in the world.So you're 99% Atheist.
You know what? You're tottaly right.God Lets people like africans,Or Let things so Bad Happen,that this days im starting to think He is more Evil Than Satan.
Wtf? Me Satanist? auhauehauehauehauehuehaueahueah (br laugh) I don't think they exist.How could i be a satanist? I'm more a Troll than Satanist. I Love how people get scared when you say Sata or 666[DOUBLEPOST=1357953096][/DOUBLEPOST] You believe in god Right? Everyone can believe in anything they want.If you start deslike someone because they believe someone you don't like,your just a hypocrit guy :/
wtf? that doesn't even fit me...i answered the text right.I think.The only thing i didn't like is that i couldn't rape that lady in distress.#Upset
Lmfao i remember that **** about 200 cards on extra LOL. Actually,People on tourneys don't kill you on turn 3 or 2.Unless they are using Wind ups or something like dat.They are smart.They will never go for game on turn 2-3,because if your opp have gorz/trag,that would be gg.
Woah,Hyper with that full effect would be so broken..He already is btw.