Inb4 go omega active an unfair eff from your hand pls. hand trap dat neg spell and you draw 2
2 Pro Things. 107 Watchers. The SPELLBOOK player was Serious.
Someone is trying to rape you?
i totally meant seal.[DOUBLEPOST=1363707212][/DOUBLEPOST] omg the artworks or t.g are too damn beautiful[DOUBLEPOST=1363707704][/DOUBLEPOST]So guys,i'm preparing my Dw Deck dat i'm going to use on a tourney that will happen here on Sp Next Month.Helps? I tottally need to win dat tourney 1ºWins an play 3 2º wins a xbox 3º nintendo ds. I really need dat damn Xbox,and a friend will trade with me a ds for xbox,so i need to get atleast 3 place. i think the deck is very good,i won like 3 Clan wars in a row killing 3-4 opponents,but i think the deck can become Better.
that spell you used here on arena is very broken.Needs a BanHammer
Lol Thanks terra.i thought no one would defend me.thankssss[DOUBLEPOST=1362417013][/DOUBLEPOST] Lol i Give up. umad? of course u are
Some guy activated dat **** card on me during first turn,OMGF,he ended like 7-8 cards in hand + 4-5 cards on the field,plus the monster LOL FAK U KONAMI,I ALWAYS TRIED TO DEFEND U,BUT KNOW I GOT MAD FAKKK UUUUUUU
Nops,Go ahead
Hand 4. Hand 4. Then i Summon (hand 3) and -3 Turn End
I Chain Spoiler destroying my Heavy Storm.something?[DOUBLEPOST=1361926794][/DOUBLEPOST]
Main phase 1 I'll Begin Activating my Heavy Storm Spoiler
Draw Phase I Draw! (Hand 6) Standby Phase Any reponse?
LP: 8000 Customs: Nop Anime Exclusives: Nop. Video Game Exclusives: i mean,no God Cards: Why not First Player: Nemesis Number of Cards per Deck: 40 Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): Idk,yeah? so nemesis,i'm doing school stuff,sorry if i don't reply,but don't kick me of the duel,all try to get time to post here.Just doing this to arena don't die -.-
LOl did the arena died or we have a new arena? also i found another caracther to be,someone wanna duel?
hey,i think i can use my yugi deck against you.But,i'll probably lost,since ygo pro doesn't have the right yugi anime cards...then it would 100% of chance of winning for me :/
LOL THE best video EVER all of you must watch THIS
not sure if dat is to me or to stardust dragon[DOUBLEPOST=1361077660][/DOUBLEPOST] yeah,im not eeven playing this game anymore,atleast competitive.i just made a yugi battle city deck,and i'm having fun with my friends on Rl,that play old school decks.
i don't believe i read this.....