Yay,someone remembered me..this is why i love terra <3 I just stopped playing ygo.Now i Just go to dn sometimes and play with fun decks..
Lol im not even a member of this anymore where's terra? Omg my english is so bad now that i almost stopped playing this game.So Cool,I think i just became a noob like i was 2 years ago,all my decks don't work, i only lose,and i can't even help my clan on dn Clan fights.Also i tried to build a real life deck but people said i sucked and i would just lose my time.I'm too sad ; ; So i'll buy my xbox instead of spending my money on a real life deck. Damn Schoooooooool.i'll try to stay online here more often.
¬¬ u guys are talking about how to kill a card on the "ARENA"? LoL btw you can set your hero,then poly.
LOL THATS AWESOME REALLY omg they made a new way to destroy laadddd oh,what about dark hole + soul taker on quasar omg Gg quasar sucks Lol OH,super poly on quasar LOL quasar sucks
go on dn watch the top duels,im sure you will see them,or prophecy[DOUBLEPOST=1364869841][/DOUBLEPOST] Spoiler Before end phase Prophecy Being Prophecy But e Dragon trys to OTKK Lol Fail 500 lp left against prophecy with books..GG. E DRAG PLAYER GOT MAD LOL AND BOOM even prophecy loses it. Still Meta Decks 1º Prophecy 2º E Drag 3º Verz
nops.I hate people who stop arguing and say "k lets duel" lol fred i never thought you was one of them ;_;
Played 3 Games with them,Against 2 Verz and 1 Hero I just remember the fire guy destroyed ophion all times and gg hero i think just heavy stormed him followed by big eye on shining,game
LOL Same Here[DOUBLEPOST=1364858227][/DOUBLEPOST] dat wall of text.But,did you said a "bad word" ? LOL fred got mad at me im so proud. Hmm,but i think e dragons are the best deck,and you think they aren't,simple. And cloudians are pro. also sams needs gateway to make a broken move,but if u think e dragons arent good okay LOL what i should do.Atleast we agree prophecy is broken
not sure if should continue an argument against scrap and fabled players. Edit: okay i will do one more time [DOUBLEPOST=1364775917][/DOUBLEPOST]http://shriek.twoday.net/stories/326527661/ all main/side cards from this tourney,just this tourney
I never saw a e dragon lost a match to verz .-.
Nop.Prophecy is taking Droll and lock bird and virus on All main Decks.Still Tops Verz with a lot of cards to protect ophion and things to counter e Dragon,E dragon Still Tops Your argument is Invalid.
Congratulations,you discovered how verz is good against E Dragons but what about other decks? So ppl can't even play another decks because they are just going to die to prophecy,e dragon or verz..Thats So cool.Unless you mix with e drags,like dragunity did.But still,E dragons are really expensive,REALLY.i think you can buy like 4-5 good decks with a e dragon full.Thats why some decks are still topping except prophecy/verz
http://shriek.twoday.net/ Check all the tournaments there on OCg check again. Ppl on Ocg doesn't seems to agree with you.[DOUBLEPOST=1364700845][/DOUBLEPOST] lmfao ladd is too broken on non-random Summon him on mid game when your opp have like no monsters and two facedowns and 1-2 cards on hand[DOUBLEPOST=1364700944][/DOUBLEPOST]http://shriek.twoday.net/stories/326527661/ Top 4 of 128 ppl.[DOUBLEPOST=1364700996][/DOUBLEPOST]Now see this > http://shriek.twoday.net/stories/326527674/ Prophecy,Verz,and E Dragons.
this is why some players aren't running Ladd. E Dragons are Broken,Just accept it.
Nop,i just wanted to show the **** tcg is going to be when this things come
They have the spell to banish one dragon draw 2 and get its eff they use ravine and rejuvenation. Its really consistent,also,who the hell cares for LADD.Even if they don't summon ladd they can make more broken combos than ladd first turn.
I Active Spoiler Effect,By discarding him and Spoiler So i can Special summon Spoiler *HAND 4* And Wyvern Banish LADD Spoiler Then i banish my two dragons form my graveyard,to summon: Spoiler Ladd comes to my hand *Hand 4.* Xyz Summon Drago-Sack Then i activate his eff,Summon two Tokens,Sacrifice Both,Then summon ladd. End turn Hand 3 Destroy Ladd,i Get a Big monster from my grave,then possible OTK next turn. Neg 3-4 cards from you,get a big monster,with 3-4 cards.So Legit.. Dats a opening EVERY Elemental Dragon can do in like 98% Of duels. Cool,now lets see Prophecy. Hand 6 I Active Spoiler *hand 5* Then i Active Hall *hand 4* Then i Activate Secrets! *hand 3 + 1 counter to Hall.* Spoiler To Add Magician,And summon Him *hand 3 + 1 counter to Hall.* Eff Add,And Activate *hand 2 + 2 counter to Hall.* Spoiler Revealing Fate from my Hand,To Copy Secrets,To Add The Tower,and activate it. *hand 2 + 3 counter to Hall.* Then i Set Spoiler and Fate Spoiler Turn End Judgment Add To my Hand [ And Second eff judgment i summon And Active its eff,to banish him and Add LOL unless your deck can get over a Ladd First turn Easily,or can run eradicator virus and draw it consistent,GG. Lmfao too bad this moves are just normal moves i see all the time on dn.
Lol whos the guy on your sig? i saw him yesterday on a vid that my teacher showed on my class. Inb4 im br,so if hes famous don't blame me -.-[DOUBLEPOST=1364406709][/DOUBLEPOST]btw i know neymar
Same here lol