woah i watched that movie today :)
thats a nice effect[DOUBLEPOST=1355936277][/DOUBLEPOST] wow you hate me? whyyy? @__@
Lol you guys make me laugh a lot LOL[DOUBLEPOST=1355935995][/DOUBLEPOST]Btw,what about my idea to make a fun tourney heeere >Say the arena is dead > doesn't do nothing to keep alive @__@ I'm on vacations now,come all at me bros
This game called life really sucks =/
Lol,really,you guys are really funny. ^one of bests musics.#Beck4evar
i lol'd.
probably both -.-
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beck_(manga) he's from the anime BECK. He's Japanese btw.
cool,awesome. But i already did show that img here.I dont remember when,but i did D:
brook ragequitar[DOUBLEPOST=1355620959][/DOUBLEPOST]LOL People on ygo pro quits more than on DN. Really,i summoned inzektor dragonfly = quits Equip Hornet with Centipede = quits Just end the tun without nothing = quits thinking you got gorzz Dark hole your own field = must be somee type of ftk,quits
HAha,you can't judge dbz by only watching 9 episodes,you're still on the saiyan saga... Also,when i watched Death note 1 Episode,i really said "man,this anime sucks". Now,after i finished Death N,his one of my number 1 animes. http://sphotos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/522618_504021376304378_150239138_n.jpg
[DOUBLEPOST=1355508117][/DOUBLEPOST] The new live action DB filme made my FANS! This is AWESOME! i think it will release next year
Goku died for us more times than Jesus. Have respect please sir. http://global3.memecdn.com/good-guy-goku_o_511655.jpg
Goku would be a God. And yeah,the cards would be a lot overpowered.I'd make them like,if you destroy goku ss2,special summon one super saiyan 3 from your deck,and that goku would be more stronger than the another,and etc. Also you could make a card like final countdown for the dragonballs,and once you get all dragonballs,you can wish to win the duel.Like Exodia
So,I'll make DB Cards,and then someone will have a custom duel with me? Hmm,the Db cards will probably be overpowered :3
I think i'd be like Gohan after Cell games,he started good but since he don't train more he became a **** D: And what about the tourney here???
So,How old are you fred? I really neeed to knowww =X[DOUBLEPOST=1355432115][/DOUBLEPOST]Fred = Perfect[DOUBLEPOST=1355432213][/DOUBLEPOST] They Exist.Look at the shenron on the sky
Actually oda could be bulma <3 Oh,and we're gonna still duel here? what about a little tourney here,just for the lulz?[DOUBLEPOST=1355424732][/DOUBLEPOST] Hm,i know people who have all dbz mangas,and all the movies,but doesn't know who's the strongest,kakarot or goku '-'
LOL jaden knows a lot more than you -.- And me?? who am i? i think i should be krillin,because i'm always quiting and coming back