I don't think so. If it was it would have been discussed in here, but I'm not sure
LOL. Well, there's your solution right there. Just unplug the video cable/turn you tv off, or just play blindfolded.
hm. intresting
For what purpose would you want to make everything dark (Pitch dark or Sillouete) Just a challenge or something cool to see? That would be intresting.
okay, thanx. I'll be here.
Anything I can do? I realy want to get involded here without having to ask everytime. I want to help test some codes. I also have a capture card.
Sorry to interfere, but whats going on?
I'm working on the Axel x5
Well, can I help anyone if I can?
Hey guys, Anything I can do?
kay, justa sec, entered the wrong code. Well, I entered the code and was in TWTNW, then went to the world map and got a blank screen. So, I dunno. anything else? so...yea Anything else
Um....well what world do I need to be in?
okay, I tested it, what do you want me to do?
Dude, seriously, where is everyone, I wanna test some codes.
okay, just shout out if ya need anything. Where is everyone?
Hey Anti-weapon. Anything I can do here? I have Codebreaker and my capture Card set up.
Hey Guys, Any codes that I can test? I have my capture card ready
Code Tested Um....I tested the code and equipped the kingdom Key, like you said to, and it was normal. I was in TWTNW and nothing seemed unusual. Is there another code that you want me to test?
Stupid Question Sorry Guys. But are you guys talking about Kingdom Hearts II or KHFM+
Found it! Lemme get my PS2