is there a RAW format for Riku? If not, I have an ARMAX anyway, I just use Codebreaker more often.
well, I tried the World Mod code, but no dice. Held R2 the whole time, nothing. I entered the code correctly, but just kept on entering the normal rooms. What did I do wrong?
Axel was the perfect best friend! I wouldn't have expected him to die! ;(
um...well In KH, Chernabog and Ice Titain. In KH2, Sephioth, Axel, and Xaldin. In KH2FM+, TERRA!
well, technacally no, I test them, but the codes you give me have no effect. and I report them to you, but get no response.
Hm...well, their both masterpieces. But, Kingdom Hearts does it for me. What did it for me was the fact that it was a quest toward the battle of light and darkness (while also helping your GF). KH2, to me, was just a continuation, while still filling gaps in the story, just delt with defeating the members of the organization and revisiting worlds (for the third, or fourth time). So, aside from it's sucky camera and stuff, the story of Kingdom Hearts does it for me!
Preferalbly Sora 'cuz for one reason, he went through major puberty and also matured in his thinking. But, if I could pick he too, I would have also gone with Riku because he finally relized that darkness wasn't the answer.
Well, for me, it was my cousin and the ads. I didn't get it at first 'cuz I didn't have a PS2 yet. Then, when I got one, I bought it while Christmas Shopping. (Sux that I found the "Greatest Hits" version 'cuz, in my opinion, the red "dip-down logo ruins the box art and shows off that you bought it extremely late.)
Impossibe!! I mean, the potion and stuff would keep up alive from some time, but it's just too much effort to collect munny. Plus, I use Cure when I'm in a desperate situation, where potions just don't cut it (for instance, when you're in the air) or my HP is critical, 'cuz Potions can't be timed accuratly.
Definatly Sora 'cuz e's the main character and basically Rawks!
Hey Guys, anything I can do?
Anything I cn do here?
What's the code for driving alone? Looked everywhere.
Well, if there's nothing for me to do, I think I'll hit the sack (or is there)
Anybody else need any testing?
Anything I can test khkid?
Hey guys, I'm trying to do a code video request on youtube except my game keeps crashing. See, I'm trying to put Auron in Donalds slot and Nothing in Goofy's. The problem: I got a half-loaded screen. he code wored, but crashed the game. Any help? Do I need to use "Full Party"? Nvm, I got it.
Anything I can do?
Oh, my bad. I'll keep it quiet. Just trying to help.