Aw. That's too bad. That would have been awesome!
Just as we have found a way to get Sora's Green, Red, and Blue outfits, as well as Roxas's Pajamas, do you think there is a way to get and play as Roxas's Organization XIII Cloak model?
What do you replace with the X's?
Is there a Final Mix+ code to warp to the Sephiroth Battle in RAW?
Thanks again!
Does anybody have the code for making the HUD disappear aka Movie Mode?
Hey! I plan to make a video using the Ultimate Sephiroth Code. Who do I need to credit? Actually, who should I credit if I use any of the codes from the front page? Should I credit the KH-vids Code Vault or a specific person? Just so I know. Thanks! EDIT: Quick Question, what does DMA stand for?
Thanks Janime6!
♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠, have you finished the port? I have picked apart the NTSC code and found out this: E008FEFF 0035B55C Joker 11C50510 000003E5 Sephiroth replaced by Xaldin 11C94F04 00000BB8 Max HP 01C95088 000000FF Strength 01C9508C 000000FF Defense 21C950A8 01010101 Resistances 21C950AC 00010101 Resistances 11CFA3FE 000003E5 Xaldin (Donald) 11CFA400 000003E5 Xaldin (Goofy) E001FDFF 0035B55C Joker 11C94F00 00000BB8 Current HP But I look at the Final Mix codes thread and Xaldin seems to have different components than the original NTSC Xaldin, so I couldn't fully complete the code.
Do you mean no mp charge or flat-out no mp?
Oh. My bad Luxford. I must have seen your code in a quote of Cloud of Darkness's post. EDIT: Look at the video again. I have given full credit to you. Also, since you made the code, can you possibly give me a ported code to Final Mix (Yes, I know that the separate codes have already been ported but I don't know what each code represents) and give me an ARMAX version? The people that commented on the video need these. EDIT: For some reason, it isn't fixed in the embeded version so here's the link: EDIT: (Last Time) Also, just to clarify, did you or someone else here make these codes as well or are they Cloud of Darkness's because he give me the codes. super riku 11C50510 0000063C 11C94F04 0000FFFF 01C95088 000000FF 01C9508C 000000FF 21C950A8 FFFFFF64 21C950AC 0064FFFF 20340E8C 99999999 E001FEFF 0035B55C 11C94F00 0000FFFF Halloween Limit 51CB96F0 00000020 01CC6050 00000000 2037CE9C 40000000 2037BDD4 40800000 21CFC700 41C00000 0033FF7C 00000089 0033FF7E 00000089 0033FF80 00000089 0033FF82 00000089 0033FF84 00000089 0033FF86 00000089 20340CE8 62626262 10340CEC 00006262 00340CEE 00000062 00340D49 00000062 20340DCC 62626262 10340DD0 00006262
Okay. But, I will most likely have both videos up tomorrow because it's storming over here. But, I'll try tonite. If not, I'm shooting for tomorrow.
Oh. My bad. Then what is the full ported code?
Which one?
Thanks. I could have lasted longer, but I didn't want to re-capture just to show how much longer could go, so I just stopped there.
Yup. I am.
But this code worked on the NTSC KH2. I thought Kh2 and Final Mix had two totally different sets of codes. Would that code be region-free anyway? Would the same thing work as in the video?
Would it be possible to port this code to Final Mix+? It's Cloud of darkness's Custom Boss Code. Ultimate Xaldin E008FEFF 0035B55C 11C50510 000003E5 11C94F04 00000BB8 01C95088 000000FF 01C9508C 000000FF 21C950A8 01010101 21C950AC 00010101 11CFA3FE 000003E5 11CFA400 000003E5 E001FDFF 0035B55C 11C94F00 00000BB8 Featured Here:
The Ultimate Xaldin video is complete: Tell me what you think. How long have you lasted for this battle?
Well, at the moment, I'm in the process of editing the Ultimate Xaldin video. And then I will get working on Halloween Limit. Okay?