Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Yeah, I saw that one!!!!!!! Creepy........
THANKS!!!!!!!! :D I'll be good.
Ayame Sohma (fruits basket)*to Shigure* Je t'aime, mon amour, bon voyage!!!!!!!!!" (Translation: I love you, my love, good travels!!!!!!!!)
*swoons* HELLO!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the compliment!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
I LOVE that show!!!!!!!!!! I watch it all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
May I join? Name of character: Trisha Gender: Female Appearence: Long white hair, red eyes, red dress. (like the pic in my sig) Power: Fire Small Weapon: handgun (If that's ok with you) :D
Welcome, and have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
:D Enjoy yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Hi, I'm a girl!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Thank You So Much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Sinc you did such a good job, could you make me an avatar? Username: Kadaj_and_Sephiroth description: A girl, light tan skin, green eyes, long purple hair, in an Org. 13 outfit. THANKS!!!!!!!!! :D
Gaia sig please!!!!!! They're soooo CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Username Kadaj_and_Sephiroth description A girl with long white hair, pale, red eyes, red dress. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Comment cava? (how are ya?) :D
Yay, I'm here now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
I'm still here, sister!!!!!!!! :D
Oh, yeah!!!!!!! I justed wanted to mention I (and my sisters) won't be on that much over the summer, and not at all next week!!!!!!!!!! :(
Oh, those are cool !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Hey sis!!!!!! It's been awhile since you've been on !!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
Here's another generic welcome!!!!!!!!!!! :D Have fun, and post lots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OOC:YAY!!!!!!! :D BIC: Chessleragi ignored the rooster's call. She was a VERY deep sleeper, and therefore used to getting to school either just on time or late. Besides, it was cold out, and snakes hibernate when it's cold.
OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO MORE SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Hello family!!!!!!!!!! :D