I'm pretty good, even though I've had, like 5 hours of HW every night. Why did I have to be in all AP classes!!!!!! *cries while doing hw*
Hello and welcome!!!!!!! Enjoy yourself here!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
OMG, it's CtR!!!!!!!!!! *hugs* :D Yeah, school's murder, it's made me sooooooo busy!!!!!!!!
Hi family!!!! I'm back!!!!!!! :D It's been a while, huh?
Character/Frame: Yazoo (From Final Fantasy 7 Advent children) Size(Default 400x150): Default Plain or Splatter: Whatever looks better. Matching Avatar (Yes or No): no Background Main Color(Optional): Blue Words(Optional): Kadaj's Brother, Yazoo Thanks!!!!!!! :D
Hello and welcome!!!!! Everyone here is really nice!!!!!! (Even though practically NO ONE is online, only like 27 or something....) Follow the rules and you'll be fine. If you need help, PM me!!!!!! :D
*in a sing song voice* The early bird gets the worm!!!!!!!!!!!! :D *tackles V V*
Hello my over sleeping sister!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Yup, it was GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Oh, hello!!!!!!!! :D YAY, more cookies!!!!!!!!!! I mean, Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HELLO!!!!!!!!!!! :D I was sick for a while, than went on vacation, which is why my sisters haven't been on......... MLF, at least. I'll go get them!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Hi CtR!!!!!!!!!!!!! *gives CtR special cookie*
Hello family!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Hello and welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy yourself, and have FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
*caught off guard* "Wha? Oh, yeah, thanks........" *makes flowers grow taller*
Xexia looked up from her notebook. "Oh, hello, I'm Xexia, the silent planner. Which doesn't make much sense, since I'm not THAT quiet, but whatever......" *starts writing in notebook as more flowers bloom around her*
"Oh, yes, I probably should introduce myself. I'm Xexia, and I control nature" *points to flowers surronding her*
YAY, it's on today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
*stares at the very loud nobody* "Who are you, and where is your off switch?" *vines start slithering towards other nobody*
Xexia wandered into a large room, her bright green eyes taking in every detail. She walked over to a wall, sat down, and started taking notes and creating intricate plans. As she sat, beautiful flowers bloomed and grew all around her. 'Nice castle,' she thought. 'I could get used to this.......'