I was busy for the past while. Now I am back! With the new release of 358/2 Days, it seems like the perfect time to be back in the vault. Its...
I think we just gotta wait, until the coders workout the bugs.
Can we not play as someone else in Twilight Town??? Maybe that's why it always crashes? Yah. Its just the screen never goes thru. The Weapon Mod, makes me die, so anyone know how to fix that?
I heard some people made the code work though, so I was wondering if they could shed some light on this problem.
I tried using the "Character Mod (Riku)" with a joker, on my R4 and it goes blank whenever I use the trigger. Any help? (My joker is R)
I tried using the "Character Mod (Riku)" with a joker, on my R4 and it goes blank whenever I use the trigger. Any help?
I think that's all of our dilemmas I dont noe if this is the right place to post this. I just wanted to know how to go into "limit form" in the game. Well I think there is a "limit form", from what I understood. (I am just guessing cuz of the thingy flashing "limit". Nvm I got it! Is anyone working on a "Play as Code..." in story mode?
Aite thanks. Cuz I thought it would work in story, I was about to spaz, when I thought I could play as Riku. I dont think anyone would bother to make an ENG patch, if the game is gonna release in ENG in fall. I may be wrong tho.
For the "Character Mod" codes, on the first page, is it the same as a "Play As ..." code?
Cool. I am ready to get the game. Too bad I wont understand any of it.
When is the dude gonna release that code? (I mean the play as Maxluxia one)
So what is the code??? I really wanna try it out.
For the Riku Code, can we joker him and then joker him back into Sora??? I ask this because it is very annoying to fight Terra with Riku, and then have the game crash. For the Riku Code (fix), is it possible for him to get damage??? Sorry I have not been in the forums in awhile, so if these problems have been met sorry for the bother. __________________________________________________________ On a separate note Saix551, you stole my thunder! Making "Day 1" files was my job. :(
I know this may seem like a dumb question but is there any way to make a game patch to make the words in FM english???
I have not been in the vault for awhile, has any new codes been realeased???
Its only for FM sry. But I guess you could ask someone to try and port it ova to KH2. (I dun know how to, otherwise I woulda done it for u.)
I don't understand why everyone uses "Swap Magic". I don't use it, and my game still works. I was just wondering...
Can someone tell me how to port a code from KH2 to FM??? Thanks.
Can I just see it tho??? I noe it's useless but still come on
I have a "Play as Cloud Mushball", but I think it's only for emu. Even when I try for emu the code does not reely work. If u want the code just tell me.