That would be a cool idea
Ok thanks on the verification about the CFW. Do you have any idea on how to mode the ELF?
I was on another forum (not signed up, kh-vids is the only place to be xD) and I was reading the "apparently" they are releasing the new CFW tomolo. Iunno if this is true or not, 'cause there's been alot of rumours and pranks going around. In that forum someone had a similar like me. If we managed to run a virtual FW like with all of 6.20's plugins on the CFW, then I think it might work. I wanna get some feedback from you guys to know if this plan might have chance. Another idea was combining the AR for PSP's tech with BBS. 'Cause the AR is able to run like an iso (in the sense it can run from the Game folder like an iso in CFW) on OFW. So this could be a great thing if it made sense. O.o
Thanks alot. 'Cause I input the code into the Codebreaker but it didn't work right off the bat. Sorry but where would I find the info on the code? Is it on the first page?
I was just wondering for all these "Play as Sephi" and "Play as Marluxia", does it work on PS2? If so is there any special way to activate 'em?
Ok, I am here to help :D
It is hard to explain without visuals (maybe that's just me 'cause I learn with visuals), but here is a Youtube link to making your PSP into a...
Do you have a Slim or Fat PSP? (2000/3000 or 1000)
Sorry I must have confused you by not formatting my reply. I meant you can play the UMD of BBS on 5.50 GEN-D without having to upgrade too 6.20 OFW. My second statement was for the patch, for the patch is on the third screen for sure, but I heard/saw the progress all the way to the 4th screen. I was looking around and I think they managed to get to the 6th screen not sure... Take a look:
No I don't think so. If you are running 5.50 GEN-D3 CFW I am pretty sure you can run the UMD of BBS I am pretty sure that they have gotten to the third screen, and on a video on Youtube, its says it has gotten all the fourth screen.
Yes I have MSN. I will send you a PM tomolo with my email address. (I would have 2day but I have to prep for exams)
Hey can someone link me to where I can learn to make codes???
I've tried an Emu just for the heck of it, and too no luck. If there was a way to emulate (on the psp) the UMD from the memory stick then it should work with the OFW, or am I just completely wrong? O.o
Yeah you're right I was thinking about it and it doesn't make sense that a Save Date would work. I think the only way is too get the CFW 6.10/.20 to come out. (CFW is not illegal)
Sorry dude, I was too busy to make the Day 1 file.
I also thought a save file would be a solution to this problem. There seems to be a person on Youtube, who has been able to play a bit of BBS. I am not sure if its fake or not, but I have sent him a message asking him for a save file.
Have they even got it up and working yet?
Are there any new codes going around??? If so can someone point me in the direction of a .txt file of all the codes? Thanks alot. I haven't been in the forums in awhile. Thanks alot guys.
Thanks, so what are the new major codes going around?
Sorry its been awhile seen I have been in the forums, but is there are working "Play as Cloud" code for PS2?