I haven't been in the forums for 2 weeks has any new codes come out?
Is there any way to deactivate a joker? For example if I "joker" into Riku is it possible to me to return back to Sora through the method of a joker?
Why are you leaving KH-Vids???
So the Terra canon part is fixed???
Ok, thanks. Please keep us updated on this project, 'cause I for one am very excited about it.
How long do you think the code will take to reach the final stages???
They can ask me for Day1 files if the code is that long, 'cause it doesn't take me any time at all to input the codes in for them.
Nice work on the codes! Great video as well!
Is there no foundation to all codes? Like some base knowledge to get you started?
Do you know how to make codes??? If so can you teach me? I am willing to learn :D
I am not completely sure if this will work but I think a Codebreaker might be able to pass the regional issues. Not completely sure so you better ask one of the more experienced people. :D
In terms of "Better Bad Guy" I would have to say Ansem Seeker of Darkness, is betta than Xemnas. He just all around seems like a better bad guy. In terms of actual gameplay fighting Xemnas is a much better person to fight. His weapons are cooler and he's just all around better to fight against
I didn't like how Sora actually looked in the times of cutscenes. He looked proper during the actual gameplay portion, just the cutscenes. (Not the crazy awesome cutscenes in the beginning and end, just the middle ones)
Well good luck, we all value your hard work. I wish I had some knowledge in the coding business so I could help with making more codes. (Max I was able to do was animate a model for a school project :D)
How long does it take to get a code like this too work???
Cool. What about the moveset of Riku (Xemnas fight), is it just not possible, due to crashing issues???
Any special reason that we don't have a Riku (Xemnas fight) moveset??? Is there a Hooded Riku (Land of Dragons) code even possible? If Hooded Roxas and Marluxia are possible shouldn't he be as well? O.o
Thanks a bunch! Is there a moveset for the Riku that you play as when fighting Xemnas??? I also wanted to know if there is a code to play as the Hooded Riku with Soul Eater (the one in Land of the Dragons)?
How would I replace Donald/Goofy with that samurai, and how would I replace the shortcut? Thanks about the WSOD.
I dun understand what you mean by "Duel Stance". How do I remove Duel Stance to make him vulnerable to attacks? So there is no way to get around the WSOD?