before i answer that question i am only a boy with the powers of darkness and i am againist the child snatchers, but you seem to have a good heart so ill let you pick. abandon the child snatchers or face death
*sighs* as i said im not here to hurt anyone. nox. you work for the child snatchers right
are you afraid of whats inside me*eyes glow red*
please explain nox
nox,you still seem to be on your guard*puts some more wood on the fire*are you afraid of me
nice to meet you*tends to fire some more* and you are sir
dont worry im not here to harm you. my name is soriku ayakotsu. and who are you two
*turns around* oh you guys are awake
*fire starts*ahh there we go, this should keep us nice and warm*reverts to normal form* occ:the fire is not right next to u guys my idiodic cousin said to set u guys on fire lulz
*see's the two people in a sleeping bag*maybe i shouldnt wake them up*starts making a fire*
*starts flying in the direction he was going before*where are those two AH there they are*stops and floats gently down to the surface*
yep seems so:ninjacat::ff10sora:
*keeps looking around*i cant find them.........sigh.....might as well try flying to see where they are*transforms into dark form, picks up wood and soars straight up then stops until over the trees*ok lets go
Name:soriku ayakotsu Age:15 Alliance: Good Weapon: Magic: dark variations of firaga,thundaga, and aero. also can use cura Special Moves:dark tranformation,weapon transformation(scythe),full moon slash,shadow bullet, twlight slash Galaxy:4 Appearence:normal:blue jeans,black shoes dark form:red eyes,demon wings and crimson aura
*keeps runing thru forest*hmmmmm where are those two people i saw earlier. did i pass them?*stops, puts wood down, and trys to navigate*................sigh....great now im more lost then i was before......well at least i brought all my stuff with me
occ:trying not to.besides i dont like verbal fights
*taps on the tent* hey anyone here
*looks thru forest*hey,i can see two people camping out. hmmm*thinks:it might be easier to travel with more people*..........nah ill just give them a visit.*gets some wood and rushes over to campsite* oc:gtg if any of u care*probably not but oh well*
who i am oc:new member to kh-vids and new to this rpg. my name is soriku in this rpg "its geting dark. i guess ill just stay out here"