occ:alot a whole lot so nox, lynn, do you two wanna go with me and destroy the child snatchers*stares at nox* im gonna need all the help i can get
i would but all of them are scard of me, besides i say im fine the way i am occ:where is random angel
*sigh*im just weird ok
hehehe ive always somehow got into a convienyet situations
well are you gonna answer me or what*turns around with red eyes*
*sit down and crys*why dont people ever trust me
*starts slicing up trees with scythe, still sobbing*
Shut Up You Cant Tell Me What To Do Im Just A Kid*keeps Sobing*
why doesnt anyone trust me*turns away crying* no one ever has trusted me cause of what i hold
i saw you 5 miles from here and i thought i could give you some firewood. and about the personal report thing......yea......people from the organization are looking for you. i heard about you in they're conversation.you seemed like a good guy and i wanted to get them off your trail so i knocked them out and stole all the files they had*pulls out papers and puts them in the fire*
i asure you i dont want any trouble.*sighs* whats it gonna take for you to trust me
was that nesscessary we're on the same side
lets see here*pulls out some papers* this says you have control over flames
you dont trust someone who is against the child snatchers?
*sighs* why cant you ever give me a definite answer
do you have any powers of your own
are you scared nox
im gonna need some help to take them down
wait..........im sorry for threating you nox
^^ honestly i dunno hehehehe