well anyways let go
*still confuseded*
what are you talking about nox*looks at nox with a confused face*
so where do you guys want to head first
nah i think that would be a waste of time cause if they somehow found it they would just destroy it and besides we will be traveling most of the time
occ:yeah letts wait^^ this is geting really exciting:ninjacat:
and with us and a couple more people we'll be able to stop this evil organization once and for all*looks at both lynn and nox and gives thumbs up*
we have to figure that out for ourselfs, and also we have alot of power already, like you*points to nox* with your fire ability's you*points to lynn* with your.....your........what kind of powers do you have lynn
from the people who want to stop them of course
c'mon you two we got a long road ahead of us and before you say anything nox, im going with you whether you like it or not
*stares at lynn*you think im gonna kill him*luaghs*your silly we've got a long journey ahead of us
*shifts head to the right and puts down sheild*you really think i'd let myself die an unwanted man without even trying, sheesh*gets up an gets sword and scythe*c'mon lets go
trust me or kill me your choice, besides keeping this sheild up is draining my life as it is
*bows down to nox*all i want is someone to trust me,and all i've been saying is the truth*lays sword and scythe down in front of nox and backs away* occ:my name isnt (insert name here) its soriku. nice job lol jk
*forms a dark barrier around nox lynn and himself* your not leaving until i can prove my trust
why do you need to go, its still dark *starts making some tea*
*stares at nox* you think im gonna poison the tea arnt you
well at least we can sit down and chat for a while. would any of you care for some tea
and whats is your answer lynn*looks at her*
occ i honestly dont know how to explain *waits*well.......