he sat in the middle of the classroom wondering where that voice came from.....
"dont worry ive seen alot of people like her"he calmly. he went into the classroom
he puts his palm accross his face and widens his eyes soon returning to normal and saying" i guess i shouldnt think about it for now" then he notices the other person. "oh hi" he said cheerfully
"stop bickering. both of you" a mighty voice came out of his throat. he shook his head then whispering to himself "did i just say that?"
"why do you make it sound like allens a bad guy" he said to her
he finally finds hall 200 and looks down it. "i wish allen were allitle more specific" he looked into the class windows to see if there were any students in the classrooms. then he looked at the roster and found which class he was supposed to be in. then he approched the door and stood in front of it.
"kindness to others gets kindness in return" he said politely."thanks for the help allen"
he bows and says"nice to meet you too" he gets up and says" im trying to find my way to class....heck i dont even know if its class time yet"
"yes i am or thats what i call myself anyways"he said calmly occ: yea but its sooo much easier to control just one
he rolled backwards and deactivated his innocence and silently asked " do you know where i could find the head of this school.....or at least a map"
roller finally got frustraited and activated his innocence and skated around the hallways to find his classroom yet ending in frustraition so he just kept skating down the halls until he heard something in the other hall and decided to follow that
roller stepped into the academy. he looked around to see everything. "wow this place is big" he said in awe as he looked around. he tried to find his classroom but got lost..............sadly
OOC:toon Username:toonmaster22 Name:roller gem Age:appears 15 Gender:male Position(exorcist or finder):exorsist Innocence name and type(if an exorcist):side blades and skates Bio:somthing happend a long time ago that made him lose his memories. when he found out that he was an exorsist(same day as loss) he decided to become one to try and figure out his past Picture:http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime dude/xx_randomgal_xx/anime/animeguy.jpg?o=18
hello... is there a possibility i that i could join
thats sounds like him
what about xert?
awesome when do we start
responce? do you mean quote
oc:now i can now that i posted that last message. my comp is crap