hey how has it been havent seen ya in awhile
roller listened to allen still somewhat worried
cool then can i be ichigo and dante?
ooc:cya latters
he sat there listening to allen as he talked, still thinking about ariana
"ok......where are the other students and what kind of class is this" he looked around the big empty classroom
"when does class start anyway allen?" he asked curously
"well, both are very uniquely hard task so i think that if i could solve one i could solve the other as well. but i also kinda feel that its the right thing to do." he explained
my memmories are lost i dont remmember anything about my past. the only thing i know is that i am an exorsist"he said sadly
"well i figured if i could try and find out about her past maybe i could try to find mine as well
"id rather be dead than to have no memories at all" he sighed"
"if she wont talk to me she'll talk to my blade"he said in anger siting down
occ: ok cya he kept walking untill he found the classroom and went in it and sat down again
he deactivated his innocence, his eyes still red "after class im going to have a talk with you ariana" one blade pops out pointing it at her "whether you like it or not" he "sheathed" the blade and headed for class
roller got furous. his eyes turned dark red and his airwaves got bigger and bigger and turned black. "DARK CROSS!" he yelled as he took 2 dark airwaves across each other and killed 10 akuma in a row
he landed on the ground and sent airwaves to the airborne akumas then hackin up the ones on the ground
"i meant why are they here specificly"he asked still on a killing spree
"why are the akumas here" he said as he kept jumping on the walls and cuting down the akumas numbers by many
as roller when down the hallway he killed the akuma mercifully as if it was no problem. he caught up to her and asked her "why do you reject kindness"
he got up and out of the class room, activated his innocence and went after ariana going past zack