I miss being involved in a forum like that. All the teams and the clans, it's what really hooked people into the community.
The nostalgia is overwhelming when visiting kh3. With the public conversations you could have on your profile or whatever, I wish I could see the...
Indeed we do. Too bad those from EO won't be able to see the thread regarding this forum.
Goodness! I haven't been back there in ages. I'm surprised that site is still up!
Old place?.... like kh3 old place? :o
'Tis a shame, though, that the last of the SK alumni (like Rii and Matty) probably didn't see the transition thread and won't be able to move here...
You're beautiful and I'm glad you joined
You were right earlier when you said that the third ME game did leave a bad taste for most people (me included) but that's because the ending was such a let down and it stopped short. Andromeda, as someone said earlier in this thread, has no connection to the story in the first three ME with Commander Shepard, so you'll be fine jumping in with Andromeda. However, since the story will have no connection, it wouldn't hurt to give the original ME trilogy a shot before or even after playing Andromeda, if you decide to play it. If you enjoy playing games for story rather than gameplay, then ME would be a good game to try because ... I agree with what Hayabusa said. The imagination the creators had was incredible and it was also fun to see how the decisions you made in the previous game affect the next game. Also, I loved seeing my squad and friends move through the games with me. The first game is a fair start although it's not as fun and involved as the second one. And even though I disliked how things ended in ME3, I still got emotional like 4 times in that game because I got so attached to the story and characters. Just my two sickles worth of input. It's a series I love and would gladly play again. I am hyped for Andromeda.
SAHWEET the Bioshock games are the bomb! I personally didn't care much for the second Bioshock but that didn't stop me from playing the first and Infinite 10 times each. The stories are well-thought out and are such fun plays. Would love to play them on the Xbox One.
Dang, if it's dying then I can't imagine what this place must have been like in its prime! And thank you for the warm welcome ^-^
Thank you! It's nice to see an active community.
I know you, too! :P I wish I knew of this place sooner. Like... 6 years sooner.
Thankfully if I want to type an accent I only need to hold down the letter on the keyboard and the accents will pop up, so I and maybe some others don't have trouble with that. But besides the en/em-dashes (y'all are true writers, I didn't know there was a difference till I googled it just now) I don't see how some of those other symbols would be used frequently enough to be needed quick access? But that's me.