i would use a mixture of soras and rikus switching between 1 hand and 2 hands soras style i proply more practicle but rikus style looks way cooler
woa twilight towns the place for me i could do the struggle competion and hang out with hayner, pence and olette and dat would be really awsome
yea ha i did da same thing as you and man when he told me u block the icicles or pretty much hit him and told him how i had just waisted the last 3 days of my life screwing around with magic and then i had a little cry....but not really
i feel for ya kaseykockroach being raised by christians and not being one your self must have been tough but it makes me happy that people can think on there own and not belive something that everybody eles does and dont be ashamed of what you write your opinion is as valled as everyone eles's
wooooooooo i cant wait to serve master xemnas on my small hand held device (ds)..............its gna b awsome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
metal chocobo cause me love dem chcocbos and it has longer reach then olimpia
all of you guys make very good points alot of i didnt even think of . in my opinion a god can give people strength and security . some peolpe just cant handle their life without knowing that when they die they will go to heaven. i my self have gotten into fights with people that have tried to stuff "god" down my throat .alot of people are saying that how could a god let a 6 year old drop dead in school one day and all that stuff about the crazy school shootings well did anyone remember the millions of children that die every year in places like africa or does one childs death were any of us live amount to the hundreds of deaths that have amounted in the time it took me to write this. now what kind of god would alow that. sorry for any one i have offended
i would have to choose roxas xigbar axel xemnas
hey you guys know what zexions weapon is for the game?
nice everyones got the mad respect for sora
ha i agree with khkid1212 it looks awsome
wo wo wo dats a very hard 1
haha i bought a ds just for the 1 game
you guys got any idea hen its soposed to come out apart from just 2008
could you play as xemnas? if you could wouldnt you be able to kick mega butt. he is by far the most powerfull member