if you went and did this with a human would it still be art, causing something to die, slowly and painfully, in the name of art. it doesnt even sound like art it sounds like the person who did this is mentaly ill. an artist so desparate to get people to notice his work he has to destroy another life.......dosnt sound very impressive.
i think because sora was a heartless for such a short time his nobody (roxas) was made differently then most nobodys maybe even leaving him part of a heart. also kairi's is a princess of heart and so she suposidly doesnt have any darkness in her heart causing her nobody (namine) to also be formed differently then most nobodies and again some heart might still be with her
wow thats some cleaver investigation
riku because he is wicked cool and he has the power of darkness
wow this is really good i wish i could draw like that
triangle: blizzard circle: thunder x:cure square:reflect
finaly some people that know anything about space (my school is full of idiots) as many of you has said there are infinite universes and the probibility that at least one of them supports life seems to be some what high, and trying to find other life is pretty impossible with the technology we have. so if there is anyone eles out there we got to improve our technology a bit more OR the other life forms could come to us. ( wow christians would love that ) it seems our planet is the luckiest one around here we just got to find another lucky planet (easier said then done) and we will be sweet
revoulting, bringing up a child like that. how could anyone be so stupid
personaly i didnt like the summons on kh2 as much as kh1. but i think geinie does the most damage so i used that the most
hahahahahaha what a fool some one needs to get over them selves and stop beleiving everything they hear. what a funny story. you can get more information then him with 3 minutes on wikipiedia. lol!!!!
DEMYX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hes the man!!!!!!!! dance water dance!!!!!!! how can you not love him.
that room has always puzzled me, it had portal like holes in the walls and at one end of the corrodor was a massive heartless symbol blocking the way. heartless generator, thats a thought........
xjayn has got a point why did they need a raft if they already had boats, it doesnt make sence, much of there life doesnt really make sence, like the parents thing and the fact kiari goes to school and sora never did. And do you remember when olette was talking about home work and idependent studies, he was real confused..........never gone to school?
final form! although the drive bars go down real fast,this ones just amazing,you just let your keyblades smash up with the crazy combos,i mean come on you dont even hold them and have you ever seen the keyblades spin when you glide in final form, its super omega awsome!
i bet sephiroth with no cheats, iv done it plenty of times, hes pretty hard , the hardest in the game of course,i reakon kh 2 sephiroth battle is easier than number 1
i think the incredibles would be sweet, they would munch through heartless and nobodies hard core.
ahhhhhhhh i was a moogle, dont touch my pom pom or i..................will make you get extra items for synthesis.........yea scared now......
i have read this whole thread and i just got to say that i cant beleive some of the stuff that happens at some of these schools. i come from new zealand and any kind of bullying is like instant trouble for students and at my school we dont call each names, if you really dont like someone and they,re not laying off we settle things with fists. 1 on 1 and quick to cause teachers patroll my school like flys on a poop and if you get caught fighting you will soon find out it was'nt at all worth it. any way good luck to all those bully victims out there remember dont take crap
i used strike raid the most it was quick and eaisy to time and i liked copying cloud hehe woops i mean sonic blade my bad
im to lazy to walk up to the heartless so i use my magic to wipe the floor with those dark bums wooooo thunder you noobs!