I am an atheist, i do not look down on any religion, I know all the causes why someone would be religious and I accept them. Alot of my friends are religious and I think nothing of it, for most religions just inspire good behaviour. When i am asked if I go to church, I say no. I have no need of a god to give me direction or to draw strength from. I am capable of living my life without a higher power in it. But any one that does beleive in a god, i deeply respect you and would never ask you to reconsider your beleifs sorry for any spelling errors
i think the over 2 part might have somwthing to do ith roxas's conection to sora
i think square enix will make it fantastic just like most of there other games
i thought that you would use the same keyblade the whole game just what i asumed
you new? i like your ideas
what is sunset horizions i have never herd the term before?
great stuff did any one recognise the symbols on the 3 characters chest?
i think the idea from xionzo sounds like a winner.
great info daxma! thanks
daxma this stuff rocks thanks buddy
were is this information about the 14th members name? when did it arive?
kh1: i hate atlantica (soras not a big swimmer it seems) and hollow bastion lift stops! KH2: i hate the gumi ship flying, i liked kh1s better, but i like the kh2s world map better than kh1
the cutest heartless has got to be bahemoths there just like 30 ton teddy bears
if i saw any of the kh charactors i would simply bow down and say how they make my life whole
discusting and sad any religous group showing that to children are not right in the head they also make gods angels out to be evil which i dont like etheir
twilight im lost between the path of light and dark, good and evil i am simply a .............noody teetering on the edge of nothing and every thing because i am simply cool as a cucumber
no contest xigbar is the man, siax is a head case
its roxas time!!!! "how, how could you say that, even if ir were true"-Roxas "i have to know, i have a right to know"-Roxas "no! my heart belongs to me!"-Roxas and my all time favourite " I guess my summer vacation, is over"-roxas the last one makes me real sad when he says it
hmm that sounds like it could be it!
sora would pwn him like theres no tomorrow!