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  1. axel_respect
    yea i though how he was talking about himself like riku, very judgemental and harsh

    "Im whats left or maybe im all that ever was"

    I also wondered why if it was Xemnas would he meet him in the realm of darkness and not the world that never was castle?
    Post by: axel_respect, May 7, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. axel_respect
    In a scene at the beginning of kingdom hearts 2 roxas walks into the beach in the realm of darkness that sora and riku end up at the end of the game,

    "I'v been to see him, he looks alot like you

    Im whats left or maybe im all that ever was

    My name is of no importance, what about you, do you remember your true name?"

    Now this has been bugging me alot. Is this Xemnas hes talking to or Riku?
    Please put me out of my misery!
    Thread by: axel_respect, May 7, 2009, 10 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. axel_respect
    Profile Post

    hey bra how you doin

    hey bra how you doin
    Profile Post by axel_respect for Ven?, Apr 2, 2009
  4. axel_respect
    I got axel_respect because he is the man and when he dies in kh2 its makes me sad so he needs to be remembered. (Got it memorized?)
    Post by: axel_respect, Mar 31, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. axel_respect
    great info mike thanks again
    Post by: axel_respect, Feb 23, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. axel_respect


    I constintly push myself to become a better person. Im an atheist but I kind of get what Rainbow~Monkey is getting at though I wouldnt go so far to say I am pure.

    I try to be good and sometimes I walk away from a situation wishing I handeled it differently. so I do try to be good but theres always room for improvement.
    Post by: axel_respect, Feb 9, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  7. axel_respect
    I am quite amazed that such an occurance could happen, in my country of new zealand the police would crash down so hard on that place it would look like a bomb site

    but i must agree it is quite inapropriate to have a place so close to the school there is a place for it eleswhere.
    Post by: axel_respect, Feb 9, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  8. axel_respect
    i think what you did was amsome, styx you should be proud of what you did. dont be feeling guilty about the beating that man recived. I think he more then deserved one
    Post by: axel_respect, Feb 1, 2009 in forum: Help with Life
  9. axel_respect
    my sisters always see me on this site and they just say 'oh more kingdom hearts' then walk away
    Post by: axel_respect, Jan 26, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  10. axel_respect
    thanks a bynch for the info mate
    Post by: axel_respect, Jan 13, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  11. axel_respect
    great stuff mike keep it coming!
    Post by: axel_respect, Dec 19, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  12. axel_respect


    i live in nz so things are way differernt

    we dont really do A,B,C.... thing we go non-achived, achived, merit, exellence

    n.a.m.e for short

    i dont study really cause im only 15 and i dont really need to but i fail stuff all the time ands its no big deal.

    I hardly ever do homework, only if its important but all my teachers like me so they dont mind extending dead lines for me.
    Post by: axel_respect, Nov 15, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  13. axel_respect
    Im surounded with high school musical because i have 2 sisters and i gota say its actualy pretty awsome. Iv seen the first 2 and i liked them and i no like all the songs.
    Post by: axel_respect, Nov 15, 2008 in forum: Music
  14. axel_respect
    iv got a mate and hes got the strangest way of talking iv ever herd.

    almost every sentence starts with 'quite'

    and he always adds z and s to the end of words.

    for example 1 of his favourite sayings is 'quite unhealthies'

    he always say jizz,wizz and ozers.

    a conversation with him woul be like........hey hows it........ozers very guds...........sweet, hey did you here..........oz my lordz quite how are you felling...........yuz quite tired needz sum sleepz very unhealthies ...........yea me to........jizz wizz!

    Lol thats his kind of slang
    Post by: axel_respect, Nov 11, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  15. axel_respect


    You can love your family, and love your friends

    But from what iv seen love between a man and a woman (or man and man, woman and woman, what evers your prefrence) does not exist.

    I realise this sounds harsh and maybe I am oblivious and ignorant.

    I have had inflatuations with differnet girls and iv come to think that 'crushes' are just animalistic functions of the mind that promote sexual intercourse to increase the population, a funtion the human kind no longer needs ( over population in other words)

    My parnents were aparently in love. For about 20 years then mum decided she wasnt anymore. this unfortunatly leads me to beleive that love is not so black and white as i used to think.

    A man once told me that almost every human craves intamacy, and as far as I can tell he is completly correct. But as for real love, I think that given the chance some one could be in love numerous times.One true love just doesnt seem realistic.

    But after all this I hope that someone could please prove me wrong!

    I want to love too!!!!!
    Post by: axel_respect, Oct 21, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  16. axel_respect
    Profile Post

    hey no problem!!!

    hey no problem!!!
    Profile Post by axel_respect for Ven?, Oct 17, 2008
  17. axel_respect
    im not too sure but i thought i saw a picture with terra using earth magic......
    Post by: axel_respect, Oct 14, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. axel_respect
    wow i live in new zealand and guns are pretty uncommon were i live,
    half of the ploice force dont even have em.

    apart from hunting rifiles in the rural parts, nz is pretty safe i rekon
    Post by: axel_respect, Oct 10, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  19. axel_respect
    i have always imagined myself with a girl that was shorter then me

    iv always wanted to be able to just hold my girl ( a possibility because of my curiously strong arms)

    so i guess having a taller girl would be a bit more challenging. but my first crush was much taller then me, but that was years ago. i tower over her now.
    Post by: axel_respect, Oct 10, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  20. axel_respect


    hmm nobility

    1. is war noble?: in some circumstances yes, if both sides are evenly matched. the sword the nobilist of weapons?: i think it is especialy the samurai sword.

    3. if you saw someone getting hurt would you do something?: In most situations I would unless the person in question really deserved it

    4.have you shown nobility? if so when?: I think I have shown nobility before, I help people and i am very humble and pasifistic

    nobility is very important. If only everyone in this world was noble....
    Post by: axel_respect, Oct 10, 2008 in forum: Discussion