NO I will die.Opens gates of hell Or i will live in pain forever Or you will renounce your powers and Say im better Its up to you
we were never equal I am either the strongest or i'll kill myself
Your right I WAS better than you Now nobody is better than anybody
okay then have it your way *stabs self with keyblade Your keyblades disappear from your hands as i fall to the ground.*
yea we are still friends if you admit im the best keyblade master
Alright then Im done with this Sh*t I dont care anymore Goes human mode again draws dark keyblade that unlocks hearts I also constructed all...
i really don't give a **** I am the most powerful HUMAN alive And im a better keyblade master than you i even get to decide whether you are...
mines the chidori
No with the keyblades we are not equal when are you gonna get that Im better than you ask sonic the only reason you might beat me is cause...
okay im done playing Not even goddess powers can stand up to my own created keyblade The reaper blade Runs and performs reaper trinity its...
Me too........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
again not better than me READ THE USERNAME
By sending me to hell yeah thats not a good thing to do
Nothin much
yah but nobodys a better keyblade master than me
alrighty whats ur fav justsu
I guess so But you know i can use my demon curse mark mode to drain you of your goddess powers then you wouldnt last very long even with the...
Actually no you dont I use my power for good like riku
I like Gaara's voice but Naruto is just a little cocky wouldnt it be cool if you could combine the Rasengan and the Chidori? It would be like the...
watever ive become full demon curse mark so now im invincible too