either sasuke or itachi Urs
fine time to improvise *goes full curse mark and Becomes invincible* now theres no point
Okay guys you gotta give me a little room to manuver thats not cool If your invincible whats the point of fighting?
I watch Naruto
*Kicks off sonics face and goes Demon Curse mark mode and stabs you through the stomach then swings you around and throws you off*
*Gets up* consider yourself lucky Your the first to experiance my true power *Goes Curse mark Mode* *Teleports behind you and breaks your...
calm down i dont want to hurt anybody
whatever I know you and sonic are gonna attack me
*casts cure* Dont make me show you my new move
Sonic is my forum dad so that makes you my forum aunt
Hey long time no talk Auntie lilac
*Spins keyblades around on my hands and withdraws them* Whatever it's not like you could hurt me anyway
Hey whats up
Oh okay so im not a good candidate for your list of people that can fight? Alrighty. You and lily lilac will see. I'll show you I'll show you...
I doubt they would accept you since your 13 But go ahead and apply who knows also im about to get promoted Imma be a casheir too Right now...