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  1. Eclipse
    i know i using vincent reason for that hes my fav ff character second to cloud :) anyways made this one using a few simple steps.hope u like and maybe if enough ppl like it i might make a tutorial for it.and notice how i put the text on both sides of the tag for a diff effect/style i do.

    Thread by: Eclipse, Nov 1, 2006, 2 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  2. Eclipse
    well DW is busy doing stuff so i did mines by myself.btw this is my other name i have.also this is one of my fav killers Jac The Ripper.

    Thread by: Eclipse, Oct 31, 2006, 4 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  3. Eclipse
    Eclipse's Tag Shop

    1.i dont want anyone saying when it will be done.i have lots of things to do,but ill make sure to get them done.
    2.if u dont like how it turned out.ill redo it.
    3.make sure to give credit ok.
    4.btw i dont make animated tags,im not experienced in that​
    Thread by: Eclipse, Oct 18, 2006, 7 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  4. Eclipse
    im just really bored right now,post here who u think the best artist here is.

    i think it has to be DW and me lol.well who do u think it is?

    PS:->this if its in wrong sec.
    Thread by: Eclipse, Oct 17, 2006, 11 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  5. Eclipse
    well its been a while since i did a sig.i barely made this right im a bit rusty. CnC plz.

    Thread by: Eclipse, Oct 14, 2006, 4 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  6. Eclipse

    im back

    dont know if this belongs here.if it doesnt plz move it.anyways as i was saying im back.modem broke to thats y i wasnt on for like 3 a new one and its ill get to work on some stuff around here.and ill organize our clan guys.peace.
    Thread by: Eclipse, Oct 13, 2006, 8 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  7. Eclipse
    i didnt want to put every single i just putting up my galllery.
    Thread by: Eclipse, Sep 30, 2006, 3 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  8. Eclipse
    i think this belongs here.and i spelled it wonr too.anyways its coming soon.for the PS2.looks great.they say its a PS3 turned to PS2.meaning it looks so great.ive seen trailers and omg.absolute.
    Thread by: Eclipse, Sep 30, 2006, 15 replies, in forum: Gaming
  9. Eclipse
    yes the old and true classic.never really passed this game.stuck on yuffies home lol.who plays it and owns it?i do.great game.and sephiroth one of the best bosses ever.
    Thread by: Eclipse, Sep 30, 2006, 11 replies, in forum: Gaming
  10. Eclipse


    gotta catch them all.greatest anime and its still going.wonder how long there gonna keep this show alive.who likes pokemon.i watch it sometimes now.great anime.but not my fave. Pikachu
    Thread by: Eclipse, Sep 30, 2006, 65 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  11. Eclipse
    i guess i'll make a post here.well anyways who like the MGS series?i do alot.second to DMC though.great story line.i absolute enjoy playing MGS3:S,for the online to play.
    Thread by: Eclipse, Sep 30, 2006, 8 replies, in forum: Gaming
  12. Eclipse


    finally it came.sup guys and gals.jut saying hello.nice layout :)
    Thread by: Eclipse, Sep 30, 2006, 9 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures