a thing i made following a simple tutorial.added my own colors...not much to say.
can anyone post the codes for armax of VP2S.It seems i can only find codebreaker codes,and i need someone to make them armax.Thanks in advance.
Guys i need help,well i need your guys opinion.Im thinking of selling or trading my Final Fantasy 12 Limited Edition.Why you ask?because it got me bored and most of the dungeons look the same.So can you guys tell me what you think.Oh btw the game is unscratched and i also got the limited edition guided book >_>
I made this for my youtube.Not sure if i should put it on though.Btw its a simple wallpaper. http://s69.photobucket.com/albums/i76/flyingcloud11/?action=view¤t=MWPBirdWP.png
Well guys,i saw this tutorial and i had to do it.This is prob one of my best works.I inserted my name at the top right corner only i decreased the opacity so it doesnt ruin the image.Btw this is a LP[large piece]768x768 to be exact.Here you go.CnC please. TMoG:
Some of you old members may remember these.If not than they new to you i guess.Anyways i made this way back.So enjoy.And if you want to use one.Heck if you want to use any of my tags,just pm me first. Memories: MCR: GRAW: StH[using xehsins vec.tut]:
Cutman uber smeckiness right here folks.
I Searched for this,to see if already done before.Nothing came up so,ill bring it up.Everyone post a picture of your desktop for everyone to see lol. If you dont know how,just press [Print Scr/Syns Rq] and than paste it to a paint document and host it. Anyways heres mine,just a simple wallpaper. http://s69.photobucket.com/albums/i76/flyingcloud11/?action=view¤t=my_desktop.jpg PS:heres a free animated sprite i did a long time ago.naruto for you naruto lovers. http://s69.photobucket.com/albums/i76/flyingcloud11/Sprites/?action=view¤t=narutosprite.gif [EDIT1]SORRY GUYS,I JUST FOUND THE TOPIC.SORRY ADM/MODS.PLEASE DELETE THIS,JUST DONT FLAME ME OR ELSE!
here are two new tags i made today.Using the same syle.Tell me which one you guys think is better.
Im just trying to get back into this.Umm...again no tut involved.just shooting splatter brushes into this tag.
Heres is my newest tag.it may be sucky.but thats because i havent done graphics in so long.No tuts involved.
KH-Vids,if you dont have this site i really recomment you guys putting it in your affliates.It contains footage of KH FM+.you guys just have some images but these people have actual footage.Well heres the link,they still working on the site but it has the vids which is more important to most of you guys. http://kh-2.net/index.php
heya guys,i just made this amv today.so i want your guys opinion on it.since i havent made an amv in a long while.just comment on the yt and here plz.and im barely learning the basics,so dont expect me to be a pro like in PS =P. vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxHlj8h5Y4k
well i came for help.and i need the amv makers to help me.i need help making special effects,adding credits,color.all the stuff on my vids.so please respond if your willing to help an olf pal.btw im using Sony Vegas 7.0 just to let you guys know.
http://s69.photobucket.com/albums/i76/flyingcloud11/?sc=1&multi=1&addtype=local&media=image well,just take them,but dont call them your own.they are copyrighted so yea.just so you know.i may be using some in other forums but i dont care.the last pages are bad ones and i mean really bad ones.so get on the first pages. i say this again.im leaving graphics so dont ask me for any requests. -thank you
well not really,i had some stuff i have to do now.so thats why you guys dont see me anymore.anyways i came to tell you guys that.ill be dropping by once in a while.also im quiting graphics so my PSCS2 is getting deleted.as of now i can record any game footage.so if your looking for something i can prob help you.as of the new members.youll have a great time here.meet new people. as i take my leave,i leave this:Enjoy your stay newcomers.and to all the new people i met thank you.ill leave you guys my msn,aim,yahoo contacts if you need me.im usually on msn lol.anyways have fun and KH's all the way lol. Msn:flyingcloud11@hotmail.com Aim:flyingcloud99 Yahoo:flyingcloud11
im rusty,but managed to make something.here it is.
yes i know its a little late for halloween but w/e.yes this is my fav ive done.C4D is facing 1 direction as u can c.i like how i made the color(like an old classic style).well imo i think i did pretty good on this.CnC :)
made this out of boredom.its well green.CnC plz