I found my bros DM's intro song.its really catchy and awesome.check it out. /D/J/_!DaNgEr_*MOU5E*
Well its my current avatar i just made.no i didnt use my friends tut to make it that way.i used my own technique. PS.heres another one ill just include for the heck of it. Utada CLose uP and FFXII,just because i dont want to start a seperate thread for it.
zsoraz?just wondering,he was a cool guy but had a bit of anger management issues.
i loved to play this game when i was a lad.best game on the snes out there.This is me playing it on an emulator.recorded with camtasia studio.for those that have the emulator check it out.its a really badass game. Character ill be using is:Cormando SunsetRiders
Eh something i found.and fiddled with just a pinch.go ahead and use it for those that love ichigo hollow which is alot of ya. 1152×864 http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/58630873/
Eclipse Darkandroid Roxasvsriku Darky /D/J/_!DaNgEr_*MOU5E* Xehsin
lol well i read this book at 10th grade and i like it.its a great book thats pretty entertaining.its about a boy that is kept in this orphanage and adults run tests on them.he escapes and than finds out he can see these weird strange creatures.he than joins a group of kids that have the same ability and than save the world by eliminating these things.
Another tag about beck for love.anyways there isnt much going on here except for a few stuff.im cutting the text so it has a diff touch to the usual full view text.i wanted it to be dark so the lighting is noticable on the shoulders and back.
Well another one from me.i was gonna make her lips green,but when i did it didnt look that good so i left that out.didnt know what else to do with it so this is what i came up with.
i hate that band...jk its an alright band that has some catchy songs
*sigh*i didnt know what text to put and what to type as text lol.the little white border with the extended edge on the left is what i wanted,just to give it a diff style.i was planning on adding text on the empty street that you see there,but as it turned out i didnt.
I got every disney movie song yay for me.i also have all the classic movies in VHS!someday they will be worth lots of money,collectors hell yea
Disturbingly fun that is lol,hahha.lmfao.......ok that was pathetic :star-wars-smiley-02
I found this site while searching for KH fan sites,check it out. www.kingdomheartsomega.com so its advertising,sue me PS:whoever edited my post,you can post stuff like this AS LONG AS IT DOESN'T DIRECT YOU TO A SITE!!!!!
THESE ARE NOT MINE,THEY BELONG TO MY BEST BUDDY JASON.He let me put them on here.Dont steal any of these tutorials.These are for professionals.If one of you noobs wants to try this out,you must have basic knowledge of photoshop.here are the tutorials.DONT STEAL OR YOU WILL BE BANED! TO ME~JASON ABSTRACT VECTOR~JASON NATALIE PORTMAN~JASON PRO AVATAR~JASON LIGHT&PLACEMENT~JASON DOWN~JASON SO PLEASE DONT STEAL THESE.IM DOING THIS FOR YOUR BENEFIT. (Broken links)
to good burger,home of the good burger,may i take your order?
We all love you
Heres the popular video featured on AOTS(attack of the show @ G4) Drama Prarie Dog
I made three versions of this,because i didnt know what color scheme to use.so CNC and tell me how i need to improve.and thats pretty much it. V1 V2 V3