Awww... thanks. I appreciate it ^^ So what about you? What have you been doing?
No... he's the one that broke us up. What I still don't get is that he said he still has feelings for me but yet, he doesn't wanna be with me. I'm...
"I never said you were lying about it." Sonata just sat still but her skin seemed to be turning very hot... was she turning red too?
OMG! I'm so sorry for not being on!!! I've just been so busy and I just suffered through a huge break-up. I'm so sorry!!!
Sorry... just happened all of a sudden. But I'll be fine.
hey... i'm sick T_T
The voice acting was really good in this game and yes, Axel did sound a little odd at times but still good. I was quite surprised with Xemnas's VA (Paul St. Peter) because he did sound more nice to listen to. But as usual, I loved Saix's VA (Kirk Thornton) a lot. His voice had improved over time since KHII.
"It's fine... I just didn't exect that." Sonata continued to sit by him, sort of unable to speak. Is it true what he said?
Sonata became shocked at what he said. It probably was the truth...but he still loved Raiu with all of his being. What was she supposed to say? There was only one thing to say right now. "I...see..."
Sonata noticed that he wanted to say something but became surprised when he became quiet again. "You can say anything you want. I wouldn't mind."
Sonata said nothing as he released her. It almost seemed like...he would always love Raiu more than herself. But it was fine, since they met first.
Can I take Saix?
"Don't be... you still love her anyway." Even though it probably wasn't right, it was the truth. He still loved her no matter what.
nm... remember zack? he gave me my first kiss yesterday!
the 13th dilemma. just love it... :<3:
hey there. what you up to?
Sonata became shocked when he said that. She didn't want him to go, not yet. It was only just now she had gotten to know him.
"But... how?" She was quite curoius about what he said when he could stop the fire himself. But... what if he died?
"It's not gonna be a good thing if that fire had spread to the mountains, right?" She knew that if it would, then her friend's grave would be in danger.
"I don't know if it will come true or not. But I really hope it doesn't." It was quite a horrible vision and more of a nightmare. What was gonna happen if it would become real?