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  1. Fracture


    Okay, so i kinda stumbbled upon this band about a year ago, and am now making a thrad about one of the people from NightWish came from an awsome band called Tarot......they are both Rock and i think that Tarot is a heavy metal band, i don't know at the moment because i don't actually pay attention to the Genre.......But Nightwish is awsome, they sing the following faves are starred:

    *Planet Hell-


    *Wish I Had An Angel-

    The Islander-

    *Bye Bye Beautiful-

    Sleeping Sun-

    End Of All Hope-

    ***7 Days To The Wolves-

    Sacrament Of Wilderness-

    Ever Dream- v=dfFVfn_zsdo&feature=related



    The Kinslayer-




    Phantom Of the Opera-
    There are more but i didn't have enough time.....for all of their songs go to and search NightWish........These are all from i want to know what you think of them.....
    Thread by: Fracture, Apr 30, 2009, 19 replies, in forum: Music
  2. Fracture
    Okay, so my computer won't connect to this network/website, so untill it gets fixed I might not be on, sorry to all.....
    Sorax13_Roxas13_92. Ps I am on my schools network, with my the middle of class...:)
    Thread by: Fracture, Apr 22, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  3. Fracture
    Post any funny jokes that you can find....and make sure that they are funny.

    They can be about politicians, dogs, cats, teachers, chlorophorm anything...go wild....funny wild, not Girls Gone Wild...:D

    Extra: All credit goes to Ace Phoenix...:)
    Thread by: Fracture, Apr 15, 2009, 27 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Fracture
    What would you think of our calander becoming only a Friday and a Saturday...?
    Would you like it...? Yes/no and why....
    Please, i would like nice, educated, dignified responses, and not some redundant answers.....
    Thread by: Fracture, Apr 13, 2009, 10 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  5. Fracture
    Yay, i joined and i am extraordinary because i am Sorax13_Roxas13_92!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thread by: Fracture, Apr 13, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  6. Fracture
    ~Bleach: Remnants Of Ice~
    It has been 3 years since Toshiro Hitsugaya became the Captain Of Squad 10 of the Thirteen Court Guard Squad in the Sereitei. It has been a very dull day for Captain Hitsugaya, who has had nothing to do but get to know some of the lower ranking officers of his squad.
    Rangiku Matsumoto, the Lieutenant of the 10th Division of the Gotei 13, is helping out to know the troops under her captain. As they arrive at the troop barracks they find nobody around. When they believe that the officers are just out, they decide to go talk to some of the other captains and Lieutenants.
    As they arrive at the front of the gate leading into centeral 46, they find some of the other captains and Lieutenants standing in front of the Gates talking to one another. As they move to the center they make out a distinct object lying on the ground. It is the bloodied Scarf and Captain coat of the 6th squad Captain, Byakuya Kuchiki. As the fingers start to point, what happened to him...Among his robes is a small amulet that has been broken...what is it for, captain Hitsugaya grabs it whil no one is looking...

    1) No killing, god modding, or controlling others characters, unless you ask the other person.
    2) ABSOULUTLY NO YAOI/YURI! I will not tolerate it in this bleach thread.
    3) Please i don't mind swearing,because of Bleach, but not the heavy stuff, I'm watching you...>.<
    4) Keep it PG, romantic actions are alright, but none of the Hardcore actions...and you know what they are....
    5) PM me if you have any questions.
    6) You can have up to 2-3 characters.
    7) In your first post, place BANKAI!!!! to let me know you read the rules.

    8) There are more but they are obvious rules of the forum NO FLAMMING, HARASSMENT, FIGHTING, ETC. ETC.

    9) Have Fun...!!!


    Ichigo Kurosaki: Roxas81334

    Rukia Kuchiki:

    Orihime Inoue:


    Uryū Ishida:




    Ryūken Ishida:

    Ganju Shiba:

    Kūkaku Shiba:

    Kisuke Urahara:

    Yoruichi Shihōin:


    Captains and Lieutenants:

    1st Division:
    C- Yamamoto Genryuusai- Sorax13_Roxas13_92
    L- Sasakibe Choujirou-

    2nd Division:
    C- Soi Fong-
    L- Oomaeda Marechiyo-

    4th Division:
    C- Unohana Retsu-
    L- Koutestu Isane-

    6th Division:
    C- Kuchiki Byakuya-
    L- Abarai Renji-

    7th Division:
    C- Komamura Sajin-
    L- Iba Tetsuzaemon-

    8th Division:
    C- Kyouraku Shunsui-
    L- Ise Nanao-

    10th Division:
    C- Hitsugaya Toushirou- Sorax13_Roxas13_92
    L- Matsumoto Rangiku-

    11th Division:
    C- Zaraki Kenpachi-
    L- Kusajika Yachiru-

    12th Division:
    C- Kurotshuchi Mayuri-
    L- Kurotshuchi Nemu-

    13th Division:
    C- Ukitake Jyuushiro-

    OCs Info:
    (Other Characters are allowed....but run by me...)

    Squad(if any):
    Other Inormation:
    Have Fun.....and follow the Rules please...Thank You---Sorax13_Roxas13_92
    Thread by: Fracture, Apr 11, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Fracture

    Noein Anime

    Ok I just watch and finished the anime Noein....and I thought that it was amazing.....I'm not going to spoil it but I thought the last five or so episodes were amazing......and Shangri-La was really beautiful...

    In the near future, a violent battle takes place between the dimension La'cryma, protector of humanity, and the dimension Shangri-La, bent on the annihilation of all space-time. A group known as the Dragon Calvary is dispatched through space and time, searching for the only thing that can stop the invasion: the Dragon's Torque. In the present, twelve-year old Haruka and her friend Yuu are contemplating running away from home when they meet a member of the Dragon Calvary named Karasu (Crow). He believes that Haruka possesses the Dragon's Torque - and claims to be Yuu from fifteen years in the future.

    I want to know what to thought of the awsome thriller.....
    Thread by: Fracture, Apr 7, 2009, 6 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  8. Fracture
    Which one of Antonio Vivalid's Four Seasons is your favorite?

    1.) Spring

    2.) Summer

    3.) Autumn

    4.) Winter

    Choose one, two, three, or all, i don't care, i just want to know, and no stupid responses....please...SR_92
    Thread by: Fracture, Apr 4, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Music
  9. Fracture
    Hey there Replicloud...:)
    Thread by: Fracture, Apr 2, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  10. Fracture
    Who do you think was the worst Marxist?



    I just wanted to know because we just started to learn about both of them in Sociology...
    Thread by: Fracture, Apr 1, 2009, 14 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  11. Fracture
    For the next week or two I might not be able to get on.... I really need to pass my Geometry, US history, and Spanish finals so that I can stay in the classes and maintain my 3.5 GPA.... I know that is still a good thing to have and I would really like to keep it that way.... I might be able to get on once In awhile but it might not be for long.... I do apologize for this being so sudden, but I wanted to tell everyone.... Goodbye for a little bit....,
    (Dean M.)
    Thread by: Fracture, Mar 23, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  12. Fracture
    Do you think that numbers can tell the future? Inspired by such movies as the new one "Knowing" staring Nicolas Cage, and the older movie "Pi"... I want to know your thoughts on the topic...
    Thread by: Fracture, Mar 20, 2009, 11 replies, in forum: Current Events
  13. Fracture
    There is a lot of contraversy over how humans and animals and all thingsin the universe came into existance....Now i want to know what you belive in...

    CREATIONISM: is the religious belief that humanity, life, the Earth, and the universe were created in their original form by a deity or a God.

    EVOLUTION: is change in the inherited traits of a population of organisms from one generation to the next. These changes are caused by a combination of three main processes: variation, reproduction, and selection.

    Now i want to know which one is more real to you...

    Thread by: Fracture, Mar 19, 2009, 97 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  14. Fracture
    If you had the chance to make a new Organization member what would they be like? No Spamming/Flaming.... You can create any person that you want, and make sure that you put some time and effort into each person... *MAKE SURE THAT YOU FOLLOW THE MODEL*
    Thread by: Fracture, Mar 19, 2009, 6 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  15. Fracture
    should some of the worlds animals be illegal in america or not? Why?
    Thread by: Fracture, Mar 16, 2009, 29 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  16. Fracture
    Tell me what your favorite book is, i love anyone who loves books. :)
    Thread by: Fracture, Mar 10, 2009, 41 replies, in forum: Literature
  17. Fracture
    hello, i joined!!!!
    Thread by: Fracture, Feb 8, 2009, 11 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  18. Fracture
    If you have something to say about the game Bioshock for X-box, then say it!
    Thread by: Fracture, Feb 7, 2009, 9 replies, in forum: Gaming
  19. Fracture
    Tell me your favorite Esper or Espers. Any of them i don't care i just want to know!!!
    Thread by: Fracture, Jan 19, 2009, 7 replies, in forum: Gaming
  20. Fracture
    Tell me your favorite Esper or Espers.
    Thread by: Fracture, Jan 19, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Gaming