koushiana:thank you koushi:why is eveyone saying that
koushian:im trying to hold her back koushi:when koushiana is off of me ur dead ur dead
koushiana:dont mind her at all. koushi:im going rip you to shrads
hey if you are home say yes love you
koushiana:i head that koushi:im going to kill u koushiana:wait dont do that
well yes im going to jamcia
hey dj how do u feel what are u eating.Are u ok well i will see u at home
i mean what do what to talk about
wht are u talking about
ok what to tlak about me u or something
hi im koushiana
the one u send me
wht's this
koushi:she does not like u
koushiana:u are a** holes but that is so cuuuutttte koushi:THATS GREAT FEEL THE POWER.........WHAIT WHAT
"why didn't u take out the tash" "i was takeing a number 2
we did not finish talking
hey no time no see
koushiana:u guys a** holes koushi:now u are geting it be mean be naste be bad feel the power!!!!!
koushiana:me i what cookies koushi:cookies naste