yep thats right koushi is sleep
yeah he thinks boys wt somethings from grils
koushiana:noooo silly it's me ur friend koushiana. koushi:u dumb a** stop being nice.
HI U GUYS wt u doing
i know right.
hey wt is that suspose to mean. i wt u to meet my bad side koushi.say hi koushi. koushi:hey u guys are b*c*ies koushiana:that means hi...
he said thats ok
thanks im always sweet to boys but they have to be sweet to.
my dumb brother said it im really in 8th grade
no im in 8th grade
hhhhhhheeeeeeyyyyyy ggggguuuuyyyyyssss
good my bf said hi and how old are u.
oh talking to u
heeeeeeeyyyyyy wwwwwtttttt uuuuuu doing
so how are u
k no problem at samething with me
it was i was crying like a baby
i seen you in person
koushiana:very funny thank you koushi:wht are u doning
koushiana:i give u a hint MMMMEEEEE KOUSHI:no help me(then i can kill him)