kh13 whats that i never heared of it where can i find
im great so when did u find out about this site
lol wow that wow
koushiana:no ur confusing me frist ur talking about one thing then another come on. koushi:will u guys sut the f*u*p thx dame ur lik my little...
dont grapes me u said i must have been defiled
hi how r u my name is koushiana but u can call me lisa
i know that but friends get to know each other like boyfriends and grilfriends
u said i pretty much already been rape
koushiana:u guys act like a ***** koushi:shut the hell up ppl!
cause i just want to know if we're going to be my friend
wait i havenot been defiled
de wht i don't know wht that means
how old r u
koushiana:so how old r u koushi:get a life will yall
u know hot like im trying to say im a sexy 14 year old
not for me im 14 a hot 14 year old
wow ur old
thx that means thank u
hey whts up today is my brithday
oo right so how old r u