T.T ......yeah this is the thread for when your depressed or angry to rant and rave all you want just dont do it at me do it to Gir my avi col (crys out loud)
declare the person above you your arch enemy and tell why oh and by the way XxaxeleightxX why did you have to go and say that im so hurt now waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
who here likes phantom of the Opera i do of course i like anythin with a tune talk about poto
anybody wanna chat with me iv got nothin to do i dont have a vent so we cant actually chat but typing on guild wars seems much more interesting My Main is M A R L U X I A spaces and all i have all the chapters :Prophcies factions and nightfall so i can go anyway to talk to people in any case we will meet at ascalon in prophcies sheng jea monastary in factions and Kamadan,Jewel of Istan in Nightfall by the merchent in each i wont log in till at least 2 ppl have said theyll meet cause talking to one person can get boring
ok we know the first 6 and roxas and xemnas but heres what i think is the others names Larxene easy Larene Axel easy Ale pronounced like the drink Sai'X simple again I'as (eye-A-S) Marluxia a lil harder Lamuria or Almuria Demyx very hard Medy Dyme no combonation of his letters sound right lol:D tell me watcha think there names are
ok im gonna type a word and you then must type a word to hopefully in the end contribute to a sentence no worrys on grammer this is a run on wahahahahahahah burl in the corner and cry Mr's Beavers wahahahahahah ok so here my word Lobsters
ok heres how it go rate the person who posted above yous kh-vids profile from 1-10 well you get lol
this is for you ppl that like to be silly lol ok heres the thing your any object in the kh kh com or kh2 game paradoxes are allowed and if you something that is now dead or destoryed you must make up any reason why you exist or (not exist) again ppl may enter at ay point in the game and theres no limit to how many ppl can play remember i want this to be funny lol post this info then what you doing the first time after that you dont have to post the info again Character: age: Eyesight: no. of times a dog has peeed on your leg: if you were a fly what would your name be: and if your something that was dead of destoryed why you back: mine is like so Charecter:darkside age:17 eyesight:20/60 no. times dog peed on leg:2 fly name:Xlfy why im back: i just came back like i did every two seconds it seemed like in kh Your worst emeny is kairi belive it or not! Take this quiz! Quizilla | Join | Make a Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code
hey ppls im xeitr as you all know by the name above my pic and i am a kh addict....wait this aint a kingdom hearts annoymous ha i have my own kinda club that i pull off kinda like org XIII called R.C.O.P.H (Rejected Children Of Perfect Harmony) group i have no site for it as of yet so dont ask but we just turn our names backwards we dont add anything to it this is partly because my lil' brother wanted us to do something cool with our names and i didnt want to tottaly rip from org XIIIs nameing system but here i decided it better to add an x and mix it around a bit but it makes no diffrence its still easy to tell what my real name is lol anywazs just sayin hi
I was watching the secret ending and realized that the fact that this game has alot to do with reverses and opposite mirrior images so what if nobodys had an opposite living Somewhere this could be the next baddie corny i know but i have dubbed them Oppobodys as in opposite of the body iv heard alot of ppl bring that ansem report about it sayin that a being is made of 3 things but most of them dont delve too deep into it and what is opposite of the body ...the soul the chasers could be the souls chasing down their old bodies and maybe the body and soul; when put back to together brings back the heart as well hehe so what you guys think ik kinda korny but still