the reason i asked is cause i saw a chuwawa pee on on a pit bull it just ironic
not much radom question see anything funny today
hey whats up
yeah its a good anime right ive all the episode i have to read the manga now
not to sound like a hippie but tell him every person is beautiful in there own way ur not ur step sister and he needs to lay off i havent had a gf in 6 year cause im nervous but i just ignore all insult that come my way just cause u fight back it doesnt make u cooler i just learned to take the insults u know that old saying sticks and stones... and also if that doesnt work just try something to insult him like he does try to embarass him
what i meant was english
do u know if they will ever make kh 1 and 2 final mix plus for i
Byakuya stood at the battle field where him and Ichigo faught Byakuya thought for a moment remembering the fierce battle wonder how much power Ichigo had gained even after such an emense battle after he was done he gave a quick sigh and walked away for thats all he could do
happy b day
whats bbs never heard of it
im good r u waiting for kh3