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  1. Cleopatra

    Miele... wonder you fail at math:

    ^^istole this from her. Miele pokemon.

    Don't even ask what Mr. Vacuumy is.
    Thread by: Cleopatra, May 27, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Cleopatra

    Mielè... wonder you fail at math:

    ^^istole this from her. It's Mielè pokemon.

    Don't even ask what Mr. Vacuumy is.
    Thread by: Cleopatra, May 27, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Cleopatra
    It's raining,
    it's pouring,
    the old man is snoring
    he went to bed and bumped his head
    and couldn't get up in the morning.

    Rain, rain go away, come again another day :'D.

    Remix: Rain, rain you've come to stay, please don't leave, let the sun come-out another day.

    Thread where you can post whatever want about the rain xD. If you're wondering why I made this thread, it's because we've just had a massive rain storm - and those are almost rare in aussieland [even when it's autumn/winter]. You can post thunder & lighting stuff aswell. I <3 the rain, thunder & lightning.
    Thread by: Cleopatra, May 24, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Cleopatra
    I’m not sure where this thread belongs, but anyway:

    My brother is autistic which means:

    He is intelligent, athletic, kind & caring & the best brother I could ask for. We have so much in common, it makes me so happy to see that he’s happy.

    Last year I joined a soccer club and he wanted to join aswell, the only problem was his autism. He came to as many games as he felt like and cheered me and the team on [which was great xD]. He got upset last week because he thought that I wouldn’t let him use my soccer gear, I told him that he can use it whenever he wants and he smiled this smile that made me laugh & cry at the same time.

    This year he just got into the school soccer team, and is a getting a lot of support his family [I think I encourage him the most, due to the fact that he means the world to me]. But again, because of his autism he’s discouraged from some of the other guys that are on his team. He won’t understand the rules if you only tell him once [that’s thanks to the autism] and I’m just don’t want him to get hurt.

    He plays his first game tomorrow afternoon at school and I’ve given him my soccer gear so that he can play, I hate boasting, but he really does look great in it xD. But again, the government and the school get involved and they need extra guardianship when he participates in an activity, but no-one can be there on time so the school is helping out, which is ok I guess. But I still want to take a few afternoons off from school to watch him play =D.

    He’s so special, unlike any other person I know, no he’s not normal and I wouldn’t have him any other way I don’t want to see him get hurt.

    Geez, I was shaking the whole time I wrote this. So yeahh, any suggestions on what I should do to help the situation?
    Thread by: Cleopatra, May 14, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  5. Cleopatra
    Not my best. I'm not sure what to do with it. I would of outlined it in black, but I want to hear your ideas xD.

    View attachment 2376
    Thread by: Cleopatra, May 8, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  6. Cleopatra
    Right, so in Italian Crown Clown & Mielé borrow my pens- wait no, ENTIRE pencil case, because they’re to damn lazy to check whether or not their books where in the other class room and the door was unlocked, I let them, thinking that they wouldn’t be ******s. Boy, was I wrong. Throughout the whole lesson they were mucking around with the pencil case arguing about which blue pen they wanted to use out of like 4 different ones and eventually Crown Clown found her favourite colour pens (green, orange & light blue). I let her use them, seeing as she would probably bite me if I didn’t. After class, Crown Clown was holding onto my pencil case saying “MINE†with death glares. She and Mielé were pissing themselves laughing, and I’m like: “What’s so ****ing funny?â€
    They never replied so I just shook my head & didn’t bother with an answer.

    We didn’t have any other lessons for that day, and I didn’t use the pens at all, that is until I got home. I went to write up a practical report for science and used the green pen. Instead of green, it was black. I then screamed “WHY THE **** IS MY GREEN PEN BLACK STEPH?†a little too loudly, I don’t know why ;-; Then I checked the black one and it was green.
    I texted Mielé:
    I just decided 2use my GREEN pen & it was BLACK!? Tell me what other coloured pens did Steph ink exchange and assult…..Hmm? I wont KILL u but im deciding on what i’ll do to Steph 2morrow >D

    Lmao, all of them ;D

    Here’s what coloured pens Crown Clown & Mielé decided to **** up that day in Italian:

    Black went to green. Green went to black.
    Blue went to red. Red went to Blue.
    Light blue went to orange. Orange went to light blue.

    I know that they’re only pens, and I fixed them back to their original colours, so don’t de-rep me T_T

    Have to admit, I did laugh a lot the next day, maybe too much. Tomorrow I’m getting a hold of Crown Clown’s pens and mixing up the inks in them ;D
    Thread by: Cleopatra, May 6, 2009, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Cleopatra

    Just saw the Cadbury Ad on TV for the 75th time... Anyone seen it?

    All I want to know is where the hell did she get that pink balloon from? And the obvious question: How can someone do that with their eyebrows?
    Thread by: Cleopatra, May 4, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Cleopatra
    I just got told that instructions are for dummies. I dont read instructions, unless I'm desperate. But still, what the hell? People arent exactly dumb if they need an instruction manual..... or are they?

    It's up for debate.
    Thread by: Cleopatra, Apr 27, 2009, 6 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  9. Cleopatra
    Right. I forgot to introduce myself before, how unpolite of me :P

    I am a fan of KH& KH2, no wonder I joined the site. Anyway hope to see you guys around.
    Thread by: Cleopatra, Apr 27, 2009, 10 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  10. Cleopatra

    With Love from Xendran <33
    Thread by: Cleopatra, Apr 21, 2009, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Cleopatra
    When life gives you lemons you make pinapple juice :P

    And so on...
    Thread by: Cleopatra, Apr 20, 2009, 31 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Cleopatra
    I'm not sure whether this should belong in discussion or not but anyway...

    It just crossed my mind that there are different types of chocolate. There's Milk Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, White Chocolate and the list goes on and on. There's also chocolate with different types of nuts and different types of fruit. Its just another random topic I know but anyhow post your favourite type of chocolate. Mine's Dark Chocolate because for some reason me and Mielé ate a whole packet of it before a math test in year 6 and we hadnt studied at all and we passed with flying colours!
    Thread by: Cleopatra, Apr 18, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Cleopatra

    Apple or PC?

    Self-explanatory. Which is better - Apple computers or PCs? Its up for debate. TRY not to have wars against one another. I can't decide so don't ask me.
    Thread by: Cleopatra, Apr 18, 2009, 31 replies, in forum: Discussion
  14. Cleopatra
    This is false:

    View attachment 2341

    I know how to spell and I use the internet
    Thread by: Cleopatra, Apr 16, 2009, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Cleopatra


    This section has way too many things about God, so lets move onto something more interesting, like Suicide.

    Suicide doesnt exactly come under my list of things to do at all, so we do people commit it? I know some of you will say that the people who committed suicide probably had crappy lives and no friends or family. But when you think about it how come some people have happy and enjoyably lives and just decide to take their lives away.

    So, you can copy and paste the questions to reply and a note if you want:

    #1. If you were to committ suicide, how would you do it?

    #2. Why do you think people committ suicide?

    P.S. Hope this isnt a boring discussion.
    Thread by: Cleopatra, Apr 16, 2009, 48 replies, in forum: Discussion
  16. Cleopatra


    Would being immortal be fun? As in staying at an age for eternity, or would you rather just grow old and die. But is there such a thing as immortality? I know God will get involved again but what do you think?

    Edit: [What I think] I think it'd be awesome, but only for a certain amount of time. Then what would you do? Living for 1000 years might sound fun at first, but then get a bit tiring after a while. I'd like my friends to come with me, but I wouldn't pressure them into doing anything that they don't want to do. I like the idea of being immortal, but I rather be more of a human and stay a certain age for many years, then if I wanted to age with time [over a hundred years approx.]
    Thread by: Cleopatra, Apr 16, 2009, 59 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  17. Cleopatra
    Someone died today
    She was hit by a car

    Here's what happened:

    She was walking down a main road when all of a sudden a drunk lunatic driving a car sped past and collected her legs and sent her flying. She was thrown against a signpost and never regained concioussness. The lunatic kept on driving not realising what he had done. A witness saw the incident and ran over to the girl screaming for help. When the police and ambulance were called she was put ina body bag and sent to forensics.

    Sad isnt it?
    Thread by: Cleopatra, Apr 15, 2009, 40 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Cleopatra
    View attachment 2307

    if i knew rainbows could kill, i'd kill everybody on my hitlist :D
    Thread by: Cleopatra, Apr 1, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Cleopatra
    Who is better looking
    If you want to know why Sora isnt in the list its because he's a dorky butterfly. :P

    Riku - Hearts/soriku.jpg?o=98



    Random Thread, feel free to say anything about either one of these characters :D
    Thread by: Cleopatra, Mar 14, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Cleopatra
    right so we have a really annoying teacher for history she decides to teach us about the medieval times. were're now studying medieval torture. i need help with homework... which punishment would people fear most?: (please help!!)

    The Rack - stretching thingy that pulls ligaments and joints apart:

    Iron Maiden - cage that had pins in it that when closed the person inside would bleed to death:

    The Stocks or Pillory - wooden frame that made you stand with head and hands in a lock

    Hung, Drawn & Quartered: unfortunately i can find a image but it basically means you were hung until your last breath then vital organs cut out while your still alive then you were chopped into four parts and thrown all over the village.

    Head-Crusher: this thing crushed your head until you lost consciousness & died:

    There all bloody torture, but which one is the worst?
    gee i don't know so help please..
    Thread by: Cleopatra, Mar 10, 2009, 10 replies, in forum: Discussion