Search Results

  1. Amber
    Imagine one day you're doing whatever you normally do. Your mom turns on the TV and they're a news report. You pay it no attention until you hear "... popular video game, Kingdom Hearts." Suddenly you turn towards the TV, interested. The news reporter says something about strange creatures appearing in the streets, similar to the creatures found in the popular video game, Kingdom Hearts. You realize that the heartless are coming. What do you do?
    Thread by: Amber, Mar 28, 2008, 36 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Amber

    Love Songs?

    Any good love songs that you can recommend? I'm in that sort of mood~
    Thread by: Amber, Mar 28, 2008, 22 replies, in forum: Music
  3. Amber
    Picture of me I did a while back. Back when I still had purple highlights. Man I miss those....


    And yes, I am aware of the mistakes I made on the hands and feet... This was my first time drawing them and I'm getting better now. And I'm never drawing boobs again >.<

    Oh and the skin was colored in using MS Paint. Yeah you heard that right.
    Thread by: Amber, Mar 26, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  4. Amber
    Since so many people out there don't seem to know how to search for threads before posting new ones (though I think it should be quite obvious) I decided to make a tutorial of sorts.

    So say I wanted to make a thread called "What's your favorite member of Organization XIII?". The first thing I should do is go to the correct section. The most logical place would be the Kingdom Hearts II Section. So I go there, and I'm ready to make my thread. But wait! How do I know someone else hasn't already posted the same thread? Simple. I use the search function. I click the button and type in the main keyword of the thread I wanna make.


    Then I click go. It takes me to a page full of many many threads containing the word "Organization". And I spot it. The thread I wanted to make has already been made.


    So I go in the thread, post my answer, and I'm done. And I didn't have anybody yell at me. Yay!

    Also, in the KH2 section, there's this wonderful sticky with links to some of the most popular threads.
    Always look there before posting a new thread.


    Have fun searching!~
    Thread by: Amber, Mar 26, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  5. Amber


    My name is Amber D. Squiggly.

    You stole my cookie.

    Prepare to die.
    Thread by: Amber, Mar 26, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Amber
    It's the night time boredom.

    Call me when things get interesting again.
    Thread by: Amber, Mar 24, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Amber

    I suggest...

    Stickying this thread:

    What was your favorite Organization Member?

    Because almost every day someone makes a thread about it and every time me or someone else has to link to that thread. Maybe if it was stickied, we wouldn't get a gazillion threads going
    "LOLZ wut wuz ur fav org member???"
    Thread by: Amber, Mar 24, 2008, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Amber


    Jesus is alive~​
    Thread by: Amber, Mar 23, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Amber
    My second signature (my first being the "I <3 cookiez!" one I had before), made in MS Paint. Now please don't jump all over me going "ZOMG PAINT SUX U SHOULD GET PHOTOSHOP LULZ" (yeah, I've seen people do that before) I like to push the limits of MS Paint and do things that others thought were impossible. So anyways, here is the sig~


    Thread by: Amber, Mar 21, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  10. Amber
    I just had a thought...
    If all of KH was real...
    Would you die in their place if it meant they got to live?
    Like, for example, if you were an Axel fan, would you die in his place?
    (For Sora, Roxas, Riku, Kairi, etc. fans, just pretend that Sephiroth killed them or something >.>)
    Thread by: Amber, Mar 18, 2008, 38 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. Amber
    Yeah... You get the idea.


    EDIT: I've been kindly asked to stop, so there will not be any more of these threads. If you still feel like telling me your least favorite anythings, PM me.
    Thread by: Amber, Mar 17, 2008, 19 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Amber
    .... when one is dehydrated?
    Thread by: Amber, Mar 17, 2008, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Amber
    Yes, for the first time in my life, I have been hit with computer problems neither me, nor my dad could solve. I have a crappy laptop with some problems:

    1. Sometimes my cursor will just randomly start moving in a single direction (it's doing it right now actually) and it's hard to regain control of it.

    2. My battery will not charge. It's been stuck at 22% for like, a week. I tried taking the battery out and putting it back in, and unplugging and replugging the power cord, it still refuses to charge.

    Help, Plzthx?
    Thread by: Amber, Mar 11, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: Technology
  14. Amber
    I was downloading Death Note, and I thought
    "Hmm, I wonder if anyone on KH-Vids likes Death Note."


    *hides head in shame*
    Thread by: Amber, Mar 7, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Amber

    Mad Lib Party

    I invited IT'S OVER 9000!!!!!! friends to my pencil party. 9 of them showed up. The first thing we did was sit in the desk. It was really rockin but after a while we decided to dance. We listened to the new Utada Hikaru CD over and over. Finally, I switched it to Hannah Montana and everyone started throwing cd's at me. Then we ate some chips. I had made it 99 years ago. Everyone liked it. The best part of the party was the pencil sharpener. We all laughed when it played on the water bottle. Before everyone left, I gave them toy cars to remember me by.

    ... XD


    'Nother one:
    Last Saturday, my friends CtR and Goimez and I put on a random play called singing. I'd found the play in a book called The Discovery of cookie monsters on Planet Cookie. I wanted to play the part of a yummy Troll but I wasn't messy enough. Instead I played the part of a small aqua green n00b. We spent 2 days rehearsing in KH-Vids. It took me 4 years to learn my lines though they were all the same: " burp ." A week before the play, we sold Ocean Blue tickets made of cotton to everybody we knew. 99 people showed up and sat on cookies . Though I messed up 9 lines, the play was a wacky success. When it was over, our fans yelled "ZOMG !"

    Thread by: Amber, Mar 4, 2008, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Amber
    Violets are purple,
    And Roses are red.
    Sugar is lumpy,
    And so is your head.
    Thread by: Amber, Mar 4, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Amber
    Which do you prefer?
    I prefer web comics, because I'm always on the computer anyways, and it's easier for the Artist/Author because they don't have to worry about distribution.
    Opinions, plzthx?
    Thread by: Amber, Mar 3, 2008, 8 replies, in forum: Literature
  18. Amber


    Threads in the Intro section are getting locked when they're not even open for a full 24 hours yet.... I thought the limit was a week?
    Thread by: Amber, Feb 23, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Amber
    You know how the answer to the question of life, the universe, and everything else is 42?

    Well if you look at the URL of the spam zone, it ends in 42.
    Thread by: Amber, Feb 21, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Amber
    Everybody's doing it and I got tired of never being in anyone's stories so I made my own short KHV story. Beware the randomness!


    ~Amber~ was having a party. Everyone from KHV was invited. But when the guests arrived, she was nowhere to be found.

    debralizjr: Where's mother? er- I mean Amber.
    kittykat88: Who knows?

    keyblade spirit: >.> *starts stealing Amber's cookies*
    Random Angel: And just what do you think you're doing?
    keyblade spirit: *quickly puts cookies back* Nothing!
    Random Angel: That's what I thought.

    Darkandroid: Where's the alcohol?
    Rosey: She's only 13... there's not going to be any alcohol...
    Darkandroid: Well then forget this! Come on Lisbeth! *opens door and walks through it*
    Rosey: That's her brother's room.
    Darkandroid: I knew that. I was just making sure you remembered. *walks out front door*

    Goimez: I'm a squirrel! *flies out window*
    UnSaintly Saint: Dude, squirrels can't fly...
    Goimez: Oh now you tell me! *falls*

    *Kitty, Sammy, Mish, Lithy and Girly walk in*
    Kitty: The Sistahs have arrived, the party may now begin.

    A scream is heard from the other end of the house. Everyone proceeds to run towards the source of the sharp, shrill noise.

    ~Amber~: *crying*
    Nymph: *hugs* There, there. Now what happened?
    ~Amber~: *sniff* It's too horrible to think even think about....
    Jordie: It's ok, we're here for you. What's wrong?
    ~Amber~: My cookies.... They're... gone! *starts to cry again*
    RRMS & Random Angel: *look at keyblade spirit*
    keyblade spirit: I didn't do it this time, I swear!

    debralizjr: We must find Amber's cookies... and then we can take revenge on the planet!
    kittykat88: Stop quoting Advent Children, it's getting annoying.
    debralizjr: I can do whatever I want. Got it memorized?
    kittykat88: Did you just use Axel's catchphrase?!?
    debralizjr: Maybe.... maybe not.

    ~Amber~: TT-TT My cookies are gone....
    debralizjr: Well could be worse...
    ~Amber~: Elaborate please.
    debralizjr: Someone could have switched them with sugar-free cookies.
    Several Random Family members: *gasp!*

    Ctr: Snoooooookums?? Where aaaare yooooou?
    Vivi: Get this crazy lady away from me!!
    Ctr: Aw, but I just wanted a hug :cryinganime:

    All the members of the Catch the Rain Fanclub surround Ctr and create a giant group hug.

    Ctr: :) I feel better now. *notices Amber crying* Amber, what's wrong?
    ~Amber~: :( My cookies are gone.
    Ctr: *gasp!* That's not good! Where were they last time you saw them?
    ~Amber~: They were on that couch over there...
    Ctr: That's no ordinary couch... that's La Sofa!
    ~Amber~: So La Sofa took my cookies?
    La Sofa: That's right! Muhahahaha!
    MadiYasha: Give them back or I shall write your name in my Deathnote!
    La Sofa: Fine. *hands cookies to Amber*
    ~Amber~: Yay!!! *shares cookies with everyone*
    *Sora*: So I didn't die?
    ~Amber~: Nope! No one died!

    *L runs past*

    MadiYasha: ZOMG L!!!!!! *dies*
    ~Amber~: ...never mind.
    Thread by: Amber, Feb 15, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone