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  1. Amber
    Thread by: Amber, Jun 4, 2008, 34 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Amber
    You see what boredom makes me do? XD

    So yeah, fill out the form for the graphic(s) you want, and I'll have it up soon!

    Type: (Avvy? Siggy? Something else?)
    Color Scheme: (What colors do you want in it?)
    Stock/Render: (Give me a link to the image(s) you want. PNG renders are best.)
    Text: (Pretty self explanitory XD)
    Other: (Anything else?)

    +rep is appreciated, but of course not required~

    Just a note, I can't use fanart simply because I would need the permission of the original artist first. (This includes pictures already manipulated in a photo-editing program such as Photoshop)

    Another note XD Please PM me when you're done so I can take it off of my photobucket ^_^








    Thread by: Amber, Jun 3, 2008, 151 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  3. Amber
    [lol, fad much?] My goal is to reach 1,184 posts in a week. I bet I can do it.
    (And none of the them will be spam. They will be intelligent and meaningful posts.)

    Wait a sec...
    Thread by: Amber, May 30, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Amber

    XD Weird...

    I was watching some sort of spelling bee and the guy on it looked exactly like L except with glasses.

    He kept switching between have his thumb on his lip playing with his hair like Near.
    Thread by: Amber, May 30, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Amber

    I have been watching this on GodTV for the past week or so.

    I believe God is gonna use this guy to heal my brothers of Autism.
    Thread by: Amber, May 29, 2008, 12 replies, in forum: Current Events
  6. Amber
    I've been thinking, I really need a sig.

    I'd request one in a shop, but I have absolutely no clue what I want XD

    I know there's a lot of good sig makers in here,
    so I'll just leave it open to whoever wants to make me a sig, if it's not too much trouble...
    Thread by: Amber, May 28, 2008, 8 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  7. Amber


    When you download a video from Mediafire,
    it just opens up WMP and starts playing it without actually saving it to your computer.
    How do I get it to save it so I can watch the video later or (in the case of cutscenes) use it in WMM?

    EDIT: If I had posted this in the Spam Zone, I might have gotten some help by now -_-;
    Thread by: Amber, May 22, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Technology
  8. Amber

    How come...

    ... I don't get a nickname?

    I mean seriously, CtR, Kitty, DF, Orange, ANF, etc. all get shortened names, but the only thing people can call me is Amber...

    Thread by: Amber, May 16, 2008, 20 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Amber

    I stayed up so late last night
    (pokes thing that says "You last visited: Today at 03:12 AM")
    that I passed out on the floor when I had to get my brothers ready for school at 6:30...

    This isn't the first time they've missed school because I didn't get enough sleep...

    It's been going on for a while...

    So when my mom woke me up, she reinstated bed time: 10 pm.

    I'm so mad at myself... and her...

    But, I'm worried my sleepover at Debra's house
    and trip to Great America with her family this weekend might possibly be in danger...

    So in order to try to get on mom's good side and remove the temptation of breaking bedtime,
    I'm going to take a week or more off from the computer. Probably longer.

    Most people, in their Departure Threads say something like
    "I'll still be on MSN" or "I might pop in every once in a while".
    You won't find any of that here.

    I'm sorry it has to be this way, and I'll miss you guys, but I really need to get un-nocturnal, as much as I hate it.

    If you REALLY need to get a hold of me,
    PM debralizjr or talk to her on MSN or Yahoo: (same address for both).
    We know each IRL and talk to each other almost every day.

    And now, that thing where I do random Shout-outs:

    You are awesome. Keep writing great stories. I expect something new when I get back XD
    Thanks for drawing me into the site and teaching me what XD means~

    You're awesome too. I miss talking to you and maybe when summer comes, we can talk more~

    Destiny's Force:
    Even though it's futile, I still insist I'm not ticklish :D
    Thanks for making my castle more fun and helping out when the guards aren't around~
    I also expect you to keep writing awesome stories XD
    Also, thanks for the invisitext fun~
    Miele, RRMS, and RA:
    Thanks for guarding my castle so dilegently. You guys make good guards (and a ninja puppeh!) Thanks for great MSN/KHV convos~

    Random Family:
    Keep being random~

    Thank you for maintaining the site and dealing with the crap everyone else raises. I respect you guys~

    Everyone who's friends with me who I haven't mentioned:
    You know who you are :) You guys are awesome too~

    I would have typed up more, but I really gotta go...

    See ya later~
    Thread by: Amber, May 12, 2008, 28 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  10. Amber
    I went to add someone to my buddy list, and most of the people on it were gone.

    I used to have like 20 or 30 people on there, and now there's less than ten...

    So Forum Asisst away~
    Thread by: Amber, May 12, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  11. Amber
    My brother gave Mom his gift and she almost cried...

    She's on the phone with my sister and she's really excited about her gift...

    She really liked Dad's gift too...

    When I gave her my gift, she was like "Oh, that's nice. :/ Who wants to watch a movie? 8D"

    And this morning she made it sound like because I didn't clean the kitchen last night, somehow I don't love her...

    Thread by: Amber, May 11, 2008, 26 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Amber
    I'm just curious. What things pop into your head when you think of me or see me coming?

    For example, when I see:

    Anyone with a Bold Blue name: "ZOMG ITS AN ADMINZ RUN"


    Dang it I had more but I forgot ;~;
    Thread by: Amber, Apr 27, 2008, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Amber
    *curls up in corner and goes to sleep*
    Thread by: Amber, Apr 26, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Amber
    That you can PM yourself?

    It's true~
    Thread by: Amber, Apr 25, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Amber
    April is Autism Awareness Month.

    These are my twin brothers, Scott and Alex.

    They are Autistic.
    Thread by: Amber, Apr 21, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  16. Amber
    Dangit I don't even like cookies anymore! The only reason I still keep my castle is because it's fun being queen of something! If you looked closely, you would notice I never eat cookies unless someone else offers them, and I accept out of politeness. True, I used to be obsessed. But that was like 2 months ago! I'm tired of people identifying me with cookies. I DO NOT LIKE COOKIES! So will everyone STOP thinking that I am obsessed with cookies? It's a freakin' desert! Cookies are overused and there is way more to my personality than an old obsession...

    ... Hope you enjoyed my mini-rant~
    Thread by: Amber, Apr 16, 2008, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Amber
    Why are you bumping my old threads and getting them locked?
    Thread by: Amber, Apr 16, 2008, 37 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Amber
    As long as there's less then 9 people, it's fine.
    Any more and my computer goes splody~

    I enjoy big convos... as long as they're not too big...
    Thread by: Amber, Apr 8, 2008, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Amber
    ... Yeah, I'm doing it. I wanted to do it a couple months ago, but I didn't wanna be a copy cat. But I changed my mind and figured since no one else is doing it anymore, I'd give it a try. The reason I'm different from the others is I always color in my drawings. Always. So, without futher ado, the members I have completed so far:

    Random Angel
    K a i r i
    Rainbow Stoner

    If you want me to draw you, PM me (or if you have me on msn, that works too), but
    only if I know you or know of you~

    Just because you aren't already on the to-do list doesn't mean I don't like you or something. I have a lot of friends and I don't want to get overloaded trying to do every single person I think is cool (that would take years x.x)

    To do list:

    There were a couple of people who requested, but I have no clue who they are ^_^;;; and I can't draw people if I have no picture in my mind of what they look like... So sorry...
    Thread by: Amber, Apr 4, 2008, 23 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  20. Amber


    *glomps mah new premmy buddeh~*
    Thread by: Amber, Mar 29, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone