* cookies *
Post here if you think KHV should be ruled by the Cookie Castle.
Because I can ^_^ <insert something festive here>
I went to start a new game on KH1, and it keeps freezing at the part where Sora's falling in the water. I've tried it like 20 times. I tried cleaning it with rubbing alchohol like 15 times. I can't get it to get past that part. Any suggestions on a better way to clean it? EDIT: Ok, I looked at the disk a bit closer, and it's actually scratched, so no matter how many times I clean it, it won't fix it. Now, my question is, is there a way to fix scratches?
Thoughts and opinions. I'll post mine later. EDIT: Just to clarify, I'm talking a difference of 10 years or younger. Not like, 50 years. o_o
Okay, in April, for my birthday, I got a shiny, blue, 8GB USB flash drive. A week later, I lost it. Today, I was wearing my favorite jean jacket. It has been washed and dried many, many times. I felt something in the pocket. I unbuttoned the pocket, reached in, and pulled out the flash drive. The weird part... It still works o_o
HAPPY BIRFDAY 8DDD [I always wanted to create a birthday thread ^_^]
... remember 2Foxxie4U?
~Link to Cookie Castle 4.0~
Ok random thought is there anyone else here who is obsessed with cookies? Woah! :blink: Deja vu! XD Today is my one year anniversery. *dances*
I started inviting people off the top of my head, but I really gotta go now XD Later~ WOO I'M EDITING MAH POST 8DDDD ... *sits back and noms cookies*
... Someone's messing in the Admin CP again...
FINAL EDIT: Click here for the new Castle!
What is the post cutoff for threads? I was told it was 10,000, but recently I heard a rumor it was 5,000. Clarification, please~
Ok, now I'm REALLY pissed at my mom! She think $140 is too much for a hard drive. IT'S 250 FREAKIN' GB! That's like, 1/4 of what it's worth! Heck, I'd be happy with 30 gb! The 11 gb I have right now JUST DOESN'T CUT IT! I have been asking for a new hard drive for almost a YEAR now! I finally find a freakin' awesome deal, and my parents laugh at me. THEY LAUGH! Now I have to save up for a Nintendo DS AND a new hard drive! And I'm "too young" to do anything except babysit! And now they're discussing going to see a movie that I wanted to see without me! I have to stay home and babysit. I'd bet anything they're not planning on paying me, either. I bet if MOM was the one in need of a new hard drive, we would have it already.
My keyboard was acting all crazy, so i unplugged it and now i'm using the onscreen keybord to type DX I think my brother spilled something on it...
The thermometer says it's 116 degrees outside. And 80 degrees inside. And today is only the first day of summer DX
Do you know how hard it is to find a good render of kairi's keyblade? Or even a decent picture I could render myself? *falls asleep on keyboard*
http://i220.photobucket.com/albums/dd19/amberdslovick/scan0001.jpg Sorry about the handwriting XD; Yes, I use the word peepz. And chickie. And dude. Just because you don't have purple writing next to your name doesn't make you any less pwnsome then those who do. It just means you're so pwnsome, I was speechless. Also, if your name is on there but you've never talked to me, that means I think you'd be a cool person to talk to~ EDIT: Crap, I forgot Shiki XDD;; If you think I forgot you, please tell me! I keep thinking I forgot someone else ;~;