...I hate what the chlorine does to my beautiful hair. TT_TT
Choose! 8D EDIT: Oh, BTW, if I do change it, I'll probably go back to a variation on my real name in a few weeks.
I’ve become addicted to the fantasy. The sweet whispers that tell me I’m beautiful. That I deserve happiness. That I’m never alone. And I believe it—for a while. Because I desperately need it. I need to feel cared for. I need to feel loved. I need the sweet embrace that assures me that I’m not alone. I need the gentle stroking of my hair that relaxes me. I need the caresses that let me forget reality—for a while. Even though I know I’m not alone, I struggle with the Voice that tells me that I am. It lies to me. It tells me I’m weak, selfish, alone. I try to fight back, but it’s pulling me down, weakening my defenses. It has a tight hold on me and I can’t fight it alone. It’s pulling me toward the edge. I try to cry out, but nothing escapes my lips. I desperately try anything and everything to get the attention of someone—anyone. I’m getting closer and closer. Please don’t let me fall! The Voice is pulling me down faster and faster as I struggle to hang on. Please! I need something to hang on to! I need a hand to hold! I need someone to pull me out! I need someone to help me fight back! I finally realize what the Voice is. Fear. Lies. Loneliness. Pain. Anger. Hurt. Help me! It wants to overtake my reality. I try to escape back to my sweet, addictive fantasy, but the Voice is blocking the way. And it pulls me down even further. I try to call out again. Still, nothing comes out. The power of the Voice is too strong. It whispers lies that weaken me. I’m struggling to keep myself from sliding down even further. The Voice whispers to me, telling me to give up. There’s no use in struggling. I’m going to fall off eventually, so why waste time? I refuse. I refuse to let myself plunge back into the darkness. I never want to go back there again. I use the last of my strength in an effort to find you. This time, I’m able to slightly whisper something. “Help me...†I’m almost at the edge now. “Help me.†I’m sliding over the edge now. “Help me!†Can you hear me? Just before I slip over, a hand latches onto mine. Your hand. It pulls me up, out of the darkness. You counter the Voice with your own, telling me how much you care about me, and how I’m never alone. Your voice gives me the strength to fight back against the Voice. I realize it was all lies. The Voice runs away, fearing the power you give me. I finally smile again. Then, you lead me back into my fantasy. My sweet, protected fantasy, where nothing can hurt me, and I’m never alone. You hold me tightly and warmly in your arms. I close my eyes and snuggle in closer. This is my sweet fantasy. (Note From Author: I'm suprised I'm posting my own thread in the Creativity Corner. o_o But I wrote this to show my boyfriend how I felt, and he told me I should post it here. <3 Also, not that anyone actually cares, but it's exactly 500 words long.)
I downloaded a custom teaching job for my Sims 2 game. My Sim got promoted to Kindergarden Teacher, and this was the description. EDIT: Promotion to Middle School Teacher:
... that I just now realized that two of the Sci-fi series I like have a character named "The Doctor"?
It's all creepy and windy and scary outside... Seriously, the windows are double-paned, and the wind is still getting through and moving the blinds. o_o And it's this creepy, howling wind... Like "I'm going to devour your soul! >8D"
Everybody sing the Happy Anime Song, Happy Anime Song, Happy Anime Song! Everybody sing the Happy Anime Song! 'Cuz anime is happy! Yay! (Notes: Sung to the tune of "Wheels on the Bus." At the end, when you say "Yay!" you jump up into the air.) Randomness from my anime club. XD
Ok, so I was thinking, England is stereotypically known for tea and properness, Austrailia for kangaroos and boomarangs, Scotland for kilts and bagpipes, Canada for maple syrup and Canadian Bacon, Mexico for Tacos and Tequila... I could list more, but I think you get the idea. Then I started thinking, how does the rest of the world stereotype the U.S.?
EDIT: Ignore this thread. It makes me look like a noob. ._. Original Message: Squigglies = Mine. I want cookies, but we have not had any in like a month. I also want some more tea, but I just drank the last of the only flavor we had that I liked. I'm bored. And feeling slightly random. Also, the Cookie Castle has been going slowly lately. The Old Epicness comes back every once in a while, but not as much as it used to. I miss DF. I've been listening to this playlist on iTunes for around 7 hours now. My cat is asleep on my favorite blanket. If this thread gets at least 10 posts in the next half hour, I'll stay on KHV for another hour or so. If not, I'll close my internet window and do sudoku.
Basically what the title says. For example, if Catch The Rain posted, you might put something like "Known for having a hugemongus amount of rep." Now, what am I known for? Gogogo!~
...do my friends hate me for being smart? Last time I checked, intelligence was a good thing.
I decided I no longer care what happens to my castle. Have fun, cause chaos, whatever. I've moved. Spoiler button is for what this post used to say. Spoiler Welcome back to my castle! :3 I'd just like people to note that I'm no longer obsessed with cookies, but I still like the almost roleplay aspect of this place sometimes, so I still keep it running. Click the spoiler buttons to expand random things that you should read if you've never been here before. Spoiler ~Links~ Spoiler ~The Original~ ~Cookie Castle 2.0~ ~Cookie Castle Third Edition~ ~Social Group~ ~My deviantArt~ ~My Twitter~ ~My MTS2~ ~Rules~ Spoiler All of the forum rules still apply. No talking about or implying sexual matters. No stealing the Cookie Vault or any of its contents. Remember, the castle is indesructable and inedible. No advertising, please. There is a barrier set up so only Destiny's Force (aka DF or Evil DF) can tickle me. No pie please. Even though the Cookie Castle is currently at peace with the Pie Kingdom, I still don't like pie. Don't give me pie. I'll kick you. Pi, however, is perfectly acceptable. No god-modding. Gah. You control your actions and no one else's. Get it? ~Timeline~ Spoiler December 15, 2007 Original Cookie Castle created. February 12, 2008 Debra's first visit. Amber Name Change: amberdslovick -> ~Amber~ April 2, 2008 DF's first visit. April 3, 2008 My 14th birthday. April 13, 2008 Evil DF first spotted. May 6, 2008 Evil DF vs. Debra. May 18, 2008 DF gives me new cookie powers after my cookie poof was copied by Xuan. May 19, 2008 DF gives me the nickname, "Ambrosia." May 31, 2008 Nao briefly takes over castle, only to have ~Amber~ return the next day. Amber Name Change: ~Amber~ -> Nao -> ~Amber~ July 4, 2008 Evil DF successfully tickles me for the first time. August 16, 2008 Cookie Castle 2.0 created. September 4, 2008 DF and I start voice-chatting on MSN. September 11, 2008 Cookie Castle Third Edition created. December 15, 2008 Cookie Castle Anniversery. Amber Name Change: ~Amber~ -> ~Ambrosia~. January 25, 2009 Cookie Castle 4.0 created. February 9, 2009 DF hypnotized me IRL(ish). Feburary 14, 2009 Post Count Charts created for previous three Castles. April 3, 2009 My 15th birthday. May 21, 2009 DF leaves the forum for the summer. D: June 6, 2009 Amber Name Change: ~Ambrosia~ -> ~Amby Bambi Bambilicious!~ July 19, 2009 Amber Name Change: ~Amby Bambi Bambilicious!~ -> Amby August 11, 2009 Prems go rainbow!~ August 12, 2009 Amber Name Change: Amby -> Delicious ♥ Ambrosia ~Post Percentages~ Spoiler Notes: Large images. Also, some of the usernames may be a bit out of date. By the way, this is totally not important, only click the spoiler buttons if you're super-duper bored. Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler ~Random Note~ Spoiler DF is meh squishy. <3333333 :glomp: *glompsnuggles* Ok, go explore the Castle now. <3
Okay, so there's been a LOT of threads popping up lately that are similar to my Cookie Castle. I was thinking that maybe, they should get their own section or subsection within the Spam Zone. You know, so they're easier to find/get to and all that.
Two Help With Life threads in a single week? >_>; Okay, so every PE period, my teacher makes us run a certain amount of laps within a certain time. Today she wanted us to do 2 1/2 laps in under 6 1/2 minutes. I did it in 6:20. However, I'm pretty sure I pushed myself too hard, because for the rest of PE, I was really tired, my whole body hurt, and it was hard to breathe. I didn't feel better until halfway through the next period. This isn't the first time this has happened. My mom and BF told me I need to stop pushing myself too hard, but I'm afraid that if I slow down, I'll be so much slower than the other girls (the boys run seperately) that the teacher will get mad at me. And if she doesn't think kids are trying hard enough, she lowers their grade. I'm already concerned about my PE grade because I'm afraid she'll lower it because I always run away when basketballs and volleyballs come flying towards me. I know most people don't really care about their grades, but I'm trying to go for all A's. Also, I don't usually notice I'm pushing myself too hard until a few minutes after I've ran.
Well, it all pretty much started at the beginning of school. There were a bunch of rumors going around that I liked this one guy (who shall be called G). I got frustrated, so I started telling everyone I didn't like G because I had an internet boyfriend. At the time, the truth was that I only liked a guy on the internet. Later, the guy I liked actually became my boyfriend. I told a few friends at school, but I guess some people overheard. Then people started going up to me and telling me that the guy was some 40 year old creep and I needed to be careful. I knew that it was because they didn't want me getting hurt, so I didn't really care. But recently, it's starting turning into teasing, people telling me I'm going to be raped or killed, even people throwing basketballs at my head. I'm really starting to get frustrated, but I don't know what I should do...
I was trying to look at someone's profile, and it gave me this message: The person I was trying to look at is Kenichiai.
See poll.