You know you can post in the User Awards section now, right?
Alternate thread title: KHV Nostalgia Time Spoiler My oldest screenshot. Count to 1,000,000 FTW. Spoiler I was so excited that I got siggy quoted for the first time. XD Spoiler Again, really excited because I considered Goimez to be as awesome as CtR.
Post a screenshot of iTunes with your iPod connected so it shows the info about it. Mine: Spoiler Please use spoiler tags if you have a page-streching image. (If you have something similar with a device other than an iPod, go ahead and post that too.)
...asked me to post a departure thread for her. Apparently she got caught on the forums or something, and she'll be back in 2-3 days.
Hey there. Decided to open up another graphic shop to distract me over the summer. Just fill out this nifty form that I have provided for you, and I'll have your graphic up soon. I can make signatures, avatars, profile backgrounds, desktop wallpapers, whatever. But I mostly prefer making signatures. ~Form~ Type: (Sig, avvy, etc.) Color Scheme: (What colors did you want me to use?) Stock/Render: (Give me a link to the picture you want me to use. Planet Render is my favorite site for people to use, BTW.) Text: (What text do you want?) Size: (If you're unsure, just leave it blank or say "Default.") Other: (Anything else?) Leave any of the fields blank if you want me to figure it out. For size, the defaults are 400x150 for sigs, 100x100 for normal avvys, 125x125 for premium avvys, 1024x768 for desktop wallpapers, and 600x600 for profile backgrounds. ~Current Requests~ 1. Empty Slot 2. Empty Slot 3. Empty Slot ~Rules~ No fanart unless you have permission from the artist. Please don't send me 98749864 PM's demanding me to finish your request. If the current list above is full, please don't request until there's a slot open. I have the right to refuse any request if I want to. When you're done with your graphic, or if you host it yourself, PM me so I can delete it from my Photobucket. If at all possible, please try to get your renders from Planet Render, as I have an account there and can easily use those images. Rendering things myself takes even longer than making the graphic itself. ~Examples~ ~Link~
My nine year old brother honestly thought I made up The Game. He thought I was famous because there was a song about The Game. THAT doesn't have a Wiki page. WHY NOT
You know all the words to "Never Gonna Give You Up." You have more than one browser on your computer. You haven't gone outside in at least three days. You just checked what day it was and tried to remember what day you last went outside. You've stayed up until 3 in the morning talking to your friends from another time zone. The Game. You regularly check threads for invisitext. You just lost The Game because you checked for invisitext. You've actually sung "Never Gonna Give You Up" to someone. You have a level 99 Mudkip. You have talked to people on AIM (or MSN) more than you have in real life. You get in a car every time you see a picture of (or an actual) lion. You can recite the rules of an internet forum word for word. You've been banned on an internet foum. You know what a fursona is or have a fursona. You've heard the Super Mario theme from more than 6 instruments. Might add more later. *lazy* Also, if you post some, I will steal them and add them to the first post. :3
Pages in the spamzone.
... And some guy called me a noob. I was using perfect grammar and sentence structure, and didn't seem to know how to use a shift key or puncuation. Logic fails me.
It's a pain in the butt to type out my username on my iPod Touch. It's also a pain to format my messages all pretty like this.
...who's the father?
I'm trying to explain to my friend the difference between ecchi and hentai.
Cute little asian girl. Traits are Artistic, Excitable, Flirty, Great Kisser, and Rocker. Her lifetime goal is to master the Charisma and Guitar skills. She likes Mac n Cheese and is obsessed with Aqua Blue. I thought up all this, but I can't think of a decent name for her. >_<' She looks kinda like Misa from Death Note, but with dark brown hair and wearing all blue.
...fall in love only to have them taken away from you, or never fall in love and be forced to spend the rest of your life with someone you don't care about?
What exactly is a spline and why does it need to be reticulated?
Spoiler [I like Mac n Cheese more than cookies.]
Just posting to show off my new username. If anyone wants the story behind it, I'll type it up, but if no one cares, I'm not going to bother.
I'm surprised there wasn't already a thread about this. I got it yesterday, and played it for like, 9 hours straight. It has pretty much everything the other Sims games had, but it's a lot more awesome. The graphics are a lot better, and there's pretty much no loading time between the house and zooming out to the neighborhood. You can even have one sim at home, and another sim over at a friend's house or in a community lot and control them both. Think of your favorite feature from either of the previous games, and it's been upgraded. Thoughts? Questions? *may provide screenshots later*